Do You Hear The Whisper?

Nilasi S. Jayathilake
The Colombo Gavel Club
4 min readJan 20, 2020

“What is your dream? What do you want to become when you grow up?”

How many of us has a proper exact answer to this typical question?

If you do congratulations! but if you don’t and if you are lost you might want to read this.

We all have our secrets. Maybe your dreams are your secrets. Secrets that even you do not acknowledge yourself. You don’t have a dream? Think again. You do. We all do. Maybe it’s just not a certain proffesion. It may not be a certain destination. But dreams they are real. There is no one without a dream.

As a 7 year old , 11 years back I never even cared about this question. when other kids would answer raising their hands eargerly saying “I want to become a doctor! I want to become a Teacher! an engineer!” I was lost. I remember when my chance came and I got up and told the class that i want to join the army! Fight for the country, avenge the nation,and the entire class cracked up. I may have added a little bit of action as well.

As i grew up even on my mid teenage years i did not have a proper dream. “What are you ging to do when you grow up?”That became the most hated question that i had no intentions of answering. I did not know whom i want to become in life. I did not understand what my skills are. I did not know what i am good at. but i was still a13 year oldright? why should i care about them? I am just going to concentrate on the present and watch my cartoon! I even considered becoming a movie director, by watching movies everyday!

Whenever someone talks about their passion openly, I used to look at them with so much of admiration. Whenever Iget to know a person who’s working hard for his or her dream. I used to wonder “Why cannot I become like them?” I respected those people and maybe slightly envied them. Because when it came to me I could never explain it. I always ended up saying “It’s Complicated”

Now i know for a fact that i am not alone. Most of us are lost just like that. Unable to understand themselves and just trying to spend another day. It can be scary at times. Because we keep questioning ourselves, wondering why are we supposed to be here? We keep convincing ourselves that we are unworthy. Unworthy of dreaming. You question yourself “why?” “why should i do this? why am i excisting? What is the point? Why am i here on earth?”

But through all the years of being lost and feeling insecure and unworthy. I realised something. It’s not that you do not have a dream. You do. We all do. Only some of us are just seriously afraid to let the world know what it is. Why?! Because we keep questioning us. We keep thinking we won’t be able to achieve what we dream of; and that we will fail one day. And the society will mock us for not achieving supposed things in life. We fear the society’s judgement. What if someone else says you you will not be able to achieve what you want in life?

More than anything you fear your own judgement. What if you had big dreams, One thing you need so bad and end up not achieving it? What if you look back one day and become dissapointed for not achieving your dream? What if your future self blame you at a certain point in life?

So we think dreaming is only for the winners. That you will be happy with whatever or wherever you end up being. That you have no ambition. That you do not have a sketching of what you want to do in life.

But is it what you should do? Are dreams only for the best? Should you never dream, never voice out what you want in life for the sake of others? Must you ignore your inner voice? If you think you will be satisfied with never even trying; you are wrong. Think again.Give your best. Make sure you will not regret. All Winners are Dreamers.

If you are lost; If you have zero idea with what you will end up doing. Do not step aside and let fate decide what you will become. Do not anyone else forge you to something you are not. Fate, Destiny… that power resides within you. It’s not anyone else or superior power which should decide your life, But You.

Close Your eyes. Listen to that tiny voice, deep inside you. Whispering, waiting for a chance to be heard. Listen to it. You will not be lost anymore.

Do you hear the whisper?

