Everyday Marathon

Udaraa Gamage
The Colombo Gavel Club
4 min readOct 13, 2019

Have you ever considered life as a race? Have you ever felt tired and fed up of running? Ever felt like stopping or quitting this game of life? I’m pretty sure most of us have.

Life is a race. And the track that we get is not a smooth and easy one. It is full of thorns, barriers, doors to unknown dark dimensions. And also we meet a lot of souls, both good and evil. Trick is to identify if we want to land in the airport of success. But how do we do it? That’s the real question here.

As we all have seen, there are so many motivational videos, motivational speakers getting on stages and telling us to escape the comfort zone and get the work done. But no one really explains how to do it in practical. The saying “Easy for you to say” explains it.

We all have heard almost all the elders, sometimes including our own parents say, “Learn well and pass the exams. Then you’ll be free “. But then comes the rush to find a job and to become a real man or a lady. Then we hear the famous saying, “Oh! Now you have finished the studies. ​Once you get a job all your problems will fade away”. Hahaha funny right? Trust me it won’t stop.

Let me tell you the story of my aunt. So my aunt went through almost all of these stages. I can remember what those neighbourhood aunties told her once she settled down with a job. “Oh darling!, you’re such an educated and beautiful young lady with a great job. Go find a man for yourself”. Then comes the hustle to get in to a relationship, most of all the struggle to find a real man. You go through heartbreaks, a lot of fights, numb feelings after so much of problems and…… finally, you meet the man of your life, your better half, or you think so. Hahaha. So my aunt, she had to go through a lot of heartbreaks to find the man of her life. And finally she got married. But the nuisance of the neighbourhood aunties and relatives never disappeared. They started to push her to make kids, as if she was a machine which drops babies. “Aww.. look at you two. How cute you two look when you’re together. Such a perfect couple! Why don’t you bring more light to your life by adding a new member to your family? Oh C’mon we want to cuddle your babies..” they used to say for my aunt and her husband. I know. A lot to digest right? Hahaha well now, my aunt is still in the hustle trying to solve her three kids’ problems.

See, ​the Hustle​, it never ends.Maybe you have heard people say that the world is a mess and their life will never be better, so they want it to end. But quitting is not the answer. What happens when you die or quit a game before completing the mission? You will have to start again from the beginning right? Same conditions apply in here. We all have a purpose in life. We are born to find what it is and complete that task. That’s why we’re here. And that’s the real mission. Not only studying, winning awards, finding a job and getting married..etc.

So what is the secret to live a peaceful life while you’re running the marathon of life? We have to accept life as it is. And accept and as well as understand that life will not go in the way we want it to be, so we have to sail the ship of life according to the direction from which the wind blows. And once a great person told me, “Life is a war. And you’re like a soldier. You have two options. Either to stay in the same place where you are with the same old weapons and die eventually in the battlefield without winning or to go ahead in the battlefield, get upgraded in each and every new level and somehow doing your maximum to achieve things and win the battle. It’s your choice.”.

See life is a great opportunity to learn and get experiences while you complete your mission. As I told before, in this game of life each and every new level will be harder than the previous ones. But there will be upgrades too if you choose to go forward.So the only solution is to fight back when life tries to pull you down, and run the marathon.Quitting will make things worsen rather than solving anything. So what will be your choice. Are you still thinking on giving up? Or would you take up the challenge?

