Kenza farook
The Colombo Gavel Club
6 min readOct 10, 2019


By kenza farook

The United Nations released a 740 page report compiled over 6 years by 250 scientists from 70 nations that basically states that unless drastic measures are taken to combat climate change, we are looking at mass extinction by 2050.

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.”
This quote said by Jane Goodall says everything you need to know about making a difference, a change, but right now what’s lacking to bring life to the quote is the desire to put it into action.

Climate change started in the early 1800’s, it has been 219 years, 2,628 months and 959,220 days and animal endangerment started from the time of human evolution.

Look at the total CO2 emitted by countries

China: Where China goes, the world goes. The country is the largest source of CO2 and its emissions are growing while other big emitters are turning the corner. CAT says China is on track to see its emissions peak by 2030 ­ — in line with its Paris pledges — but that is not consistent with keeping global warming below 2 °C.

United States: US emissions surged in 2018, but they have been declining generally over the past decade because coal use has fallen, in favour of natural gas and renewables. However, President Donald Trump is rolling back provisions to curb greenhouse-gas pollution and wants to pull the country out of the Paris accord.

European Union: The 28 EU nations account for more than one-fifth of CO2 emissions over time, but their collective annual emissions have dropped by more than 20% since 1990. Some estimates suggest the EU is on track to meet its Paris targets. Coal use is dropping but remains a major source of emissions.

India: India has contributed much less to global warming than have other large countries, on a per capita basis. Although its energy use and coal consumption are growing rapidly, the country is also emerging as a leader in renewable energy.

Russia: The collapse of industry after the break-up of the Soviet Union caused CO2 emissions to plunge, but they have been rising since. Russia has invested little in renewables such as solar and wind and the CAT gives Russia its lowest rating.

All most 60% carbon dioxide are emitted by these fast growing/ developed countries.

What will save us is not technology or science. What will save us is the ethical transformation of our society.

SEVEN FACTS TO KNOW ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE. (Information extracted from National geography)

  1. The world is getting warmer.

Earth’s temperature goes up and down every year to year — but over the past half century it has gone up a lot.

2. It’s because of us.

Carbon dioxide warms the planet, and we’ve increased the amount in the air by nearly half, mostly since the 1960s

3. We’re are sure.

More than nine out of ten scientists agree: our carbon emissions are the main cause of global warming.

4. Ice is melting fast.

Arctic sea ice is shrinking and glaciers are retreating worldwide. Seas rise by three feet by 2100 or maybe more.

5. Weather is wreaking havoc.

Worldwide, the number of climate- related disasters has more than tripled since 1980.

6. Species are being disrupted.

Animals and plants are already vanishing from parts of their range that are now too hot. Extinctions come next.

7. We can do something about it.

Renewables, the fastest growing energy source are projected to triple by 20

We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and researchers say that this extinction is going to cause a massive explosion by 2050, which also means the lack of oxygen and also the extinction of almost all the species living.

Know the difference between conformity and morality??

CONFORMITY : is doing what everybody else is doing, regardless of what is right.

MORALITY: is doing what is right, regardless of what everybody else is doing.

The basic concept of climate change.

Government, firms and massive organizations cut down trees to expand their geographical coverage. Trees being the main absorber of carbon dioxide are being cut down with the average rate of 50,000–100,000 trees per square km, so the math would put this number at 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees cut down per year.

As the carbon dioxide rate is increasing, this affects the greenhouse gases and start breaking through the ozone layer, overtaking the oxygen rate emitted and causing a deficit of oxygen over carbon dioxide. Which results in suffocation to human beings and other species.

The basic concept of animal extinction.

Government, firms, massive organizations and individuals want to be successful in life so anything that gates in the way should be destroyed. Many animals die due to farming, farmers claim that they HAVE to kill animals to keep their crops safe. Elephants, monkeys and many other animals are used for human entertainment and given poor care, which leads to death of these innocent souls.

When forests are being destroyed by humans, some animals get caught to those massive blades and chemicals and die, but the rest lose their habitats and so go mayhem in human occupied areas, which leads to killing animals cause of human safety, this also applies to the farmers claims.

The phrase “ Save the turtles ” carries a big weight in it but nowadays it has become a trend. Million of turtles lose their life because of the tonnes of waste dumped in lakes, rivers and the ocean, most of it being plastic. Turtles and fish strangle in them and die or eat them causing them to choke and die.

A better example to put both these concepts in one incident will be burning down the Amazon rainforest.

Fires are raging across the world’s largest tropical rainforest as farmers, land-grabbers and loggers torch trees and clear land for crops or grazing. According to Brazil’s National Institute of Space Research, the number of fires detected by satellite in the Amazon region this month is the highest since 2010. Bowing to international pressure and a global outcry over the destruction of a vital resource in the fight against climate change, president Jair Bolsonaro authorised the deployment of Brazil’s armed forces to help combat blazes, with warplane dumping water on burning tracts of Amazon. Critics say the large number of fires this year has been stoked by Bolsonaro’s encouragement of farmers, loggers and ranchers to speed up efforts to strip away forest.

Moral ways to stop climate change and animal endangerment or in simple words to be part of the good change.

01. Stop dumping trash and find other ways like recycling or biodegradable.

02. Start panicking.

03. Be part of the change.

04. Start believing you CAN DO IT.


Sometimes pictures speak louder than words.

