Introducing G|Code’s Change Makers: Ebony Hargro

The G{Code} House
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2020

In October 2020, the G|Code team launched the second cohort of Intro to G|Code, a 10 week program designed for young female and non binary folks of color to uncover interest and aptitude in tech within a supportive, inclusive, and safe environment. The Intro to G|Code Change Makers have shown us their grit, scrappiness, and creativity, as well as their commitment to community and personal growth. We are beyond proud of our Change Makers who will graduate in just a few days, and are thrilled to celebrate their achievements and share some of their stories.

Today, we celebrate Ebony Hargro! Ebony is from Charlotte, NC, and has blown us away with her enthusiasm, curiosity, and ability to pick up new material. Learn more about her journey below.

Why did you join G|Code?

I want to take charge of my career by equipping myself with hard skills that I could use for myself or an employer.

What is a favorite moment or memory from G|Code?

Connecting with my amazing cohort members during a game night was so good for my soul! Nothing but laughter and good energy.

What have you learned about yourself or about coding? How has participating in G|Code impacted how you see yourself and/or your future?

I’ve learned that I love problem-solving and that I’m more creative than I realized. Figuring out a coding challenge is honestly really fun, and I love that I can add some of my personal style into the web pages that I create.

G|Code is a visionary non-profit striving to empower Boston’s young women of color by providing them with housing, technical training, leadership development, internship placements, and a resilient and compassionate community to learn from and grow alongside. Many thanks to Bridgette Wallace, Rizel Bobb-Semple, Bailey Siber, and the rest of the G|Code team and volunteers for making the Intro to G|Code program a success!



The G{Code} House

Empowering Boston’s young women and non binary people of color via technical training, intentional community, and stable housing.