How To Generate Insane Wealth & Lead A Happy Life With One Simple Act


Alyze Sam
GIVE Nation
17 min readJul 14, 2020


Give! That’s it. My work here is done.

You can feel cheated, you can call it ‘click-bait’… whatever you want. But it’s true. Giving will make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. But, since you took the effort to click on this article, I guess I’ll tell you why giving is so important to your health, happiness, and yes, even your wealth.

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A Chinese parable says: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.Source.

For centuries, the greatest leaders have suggested the same thing:

Photo Source: Goalcast

Happiness and wealth is found in helping others.

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity — Leo Tolstoy. Source.

We make a living by what we get: we make a life by what we give — Winston Churchill. Source.

Making money is a happiness: making other people happy is a super happiness — Nobel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus. Source.

For it is in giving that we receive — Saint Francis of Assisi. Source.

Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you are helping, because giving gives you purpose. When you have a purpose-driven life, you’re a happier person — Goldie Hawn. Source.

Photo Source: Bplans

It’s recognized that generosity is highly valued by societies all over the world and intuition tells us the act of giving is good, as does religion…

A well known Proverb says “Generous persons will prosper” (Source. Proverbs 11:25, King James Bible) in other words, ‘Those who give, receive.” but that’s not all the Bible says about giving.

Christians Called To Charity

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:6–8

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You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:38

Those are great to get Christians in the art of giving, but it’s not just the Bible that states giving is important. The value of giving spans different cultures, religions, faiths, governments and societies. Giving also acts as an important means of establishing a “social safety net” for those in need. Here’s a few examples of different cultures and religions giving around the world.

Photo Source: Waqf Education Online

Muslims Make Miracles Come True

Muslims partake in Waqf: a financial charitable endowment established by withholding immovable and movable properties to perpetually spend its revenue on fulfilling public needs.

Traditionally, Waqf was inculcated in Muslims’ culture, and has since been utilized in all walks of life. Waqf was the main source for various public services that provided a multitude of assistance to communities. Therefore, Muslims in all over the world are exposed to joyfully participate in Waqf.

Helpful Hindu Hands

For Hindus, ‘Dana’, or giving is an important part of one’s ‘Dharma’, or their religious duty. Dharma has a wide variety of meanings such as eternal law, duty, conduct, behaviour, morality and righteousness. Each person has a dharma towards family, society, the world and all living things.

Photo Source: Hindu Giving

Dharma needs to be seen within the framework of the traditional extended Hindu family, which plays the role of a welfare state. The wealth a person acquires is not for oneself but for the welfare of others. One has a responsibility towards others who cannot maintain themselves. In some circumstances an individual may have no option but to give up or compromise one’s personal goals for the sake of their family. In short, ‘giving’ begins at home but extends beyond home.

According to Hindu faith, any giving that is motivated by selfish considerations loses its value from the spiritual point of view.

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It is not so much wealth that brings happiness and peace but our attitude to possessions. Hindu philosophical texts such as the Isa Upanishad point to the fact that true enjoyment and peace lie in detachment from wealth.

“We are not asked to renounce wealth but rather our sense of possession. Whatever we give will have no value if we part with our wealth reluctantly.” Isa Upanishad

Joyful Gift Boxes in Judaism

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Much like Christianity, the standard Jewish practice is to give at least 10% of net income to charity. Since giving is a mitzvah, or commandment, it doesn’t just help others, Judaism states giving lifts the giver up as well. Traditional Jewish families keep a pushka, or a charity box on prominent display in home and office. One is encouraged to drop a few coins in the pushka at least once a day, or as much as possible.

Collected contents in the pushka are used for tzedakah, or charity to the needy.

No other mitzvah (commandment) evokes as powerful a divine response as tzedakah (charity). Rabbis state this theory makes sense: taking care of others allows G‑d to take care of you. Our sages taught that tzedakah brings atonement and protects against harsh heavenly decrees.

This is a small example of what some of the world’s major religions and how highly they hold the act of giving. I challenge you to do a little homework on the ‘art of giving’ and see if it inspires you. But, before you start that process, you should know a little secret…

Giving is not only a recognized and practiced religious duty: giving doesn’t merely bring gifts from a higher power in after life. Nooooooo, giving actually greatly benefits those that partake, instantly!

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Just like you were taught in science and mathematics, there’s a cause and effect to everything. The Art of Giving is all about creating an unconditional and sustainable abundance of love, peace and happiness and contentment for others through gestures of kindness and generosity.

“Trying to get without first giving is as fruitless as trying to reap without having sown.”― Napoleon Hill, Author “Think and Grow Rich:”all-time bestseller, having sold 15 million copies worldwide, which set the standard for today’s motivational thinking.” Source.

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Napoleon Hill, then a young special investigator for a nationally known business magazine, was sent to interview Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world. During that interview, Carnegie slyly dropped a hint of a certain master power he used, a magic law of the human mind, a little-known psychological principle — that was amazing in its power. Carnegie suggested to Hill that upon that principle he could build the philosophy of all personal success, whether it be measured in terms of money, power, position, prestige, influence, or the accumulation of wealth. That part of the interview never made it into Hill’s magazine, but it did launch the young author on a research journey that lasted twenty years. Think and Grow Rich is the result of Hill’s study of over five hundred self-made millionaires. It’s a condensed, accessible explanation of his Law of Success philosophy, which includes thirteen steps to riches and covers financial, emotional, and spiritual).” Source.

A huge pattern Mr. Hill found with some of the world’s wealthiest people was that money is spiritual.

Spiritual Law of Success

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In this study of the Spiritual Law of Success, the Second Law of Giving and Receiving is based on the Universe operating through dynamic exchange. Everything in life falls between ‘give and take’ because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in our day to day life and the Universe. If the flow stops, there’s an interference with nature’s intelligence. Interchanging acts of giving and receiving keep a harmonious circulation in life.

Did you know that the term currency derives from a Latin word meaning “to run or flow?”

Money is symbolic of the life energy given and life energy received, as a result of the service we provide to others.

Similar to a river, currency must keep flowing, otherwise a blockage is created and all becomes stagnate. A healthy circulation keeps flowing water alive and vital. If the circulation slows or stops, so does the life energy. Comparatively, when intentions are to hoard money, this stops its circulation back into our lives.

Intentions behind giving and receiving are of the utmost importance: when the act of giving is joyful, unconditional and from the heart, the positive energy behind giving increases many times over. While giving grudgingly will entail a different outcome: if there’s a sense of loss through the act of giving, the gift is not truly given and the life energy will not exist.

When life energy doesn’t exist behind your actions, you may feel angry, depressed, alone, “empty,” or “broken-hearted.”

The Law of Giving & Receiving is Simple

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If you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others to become materially affluent. If you want to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to silently bless everyone with all the good things in life. The more you give, the more you will receive. In your willingness to give that which you seek, you will keep the abundance of the Universe circulating in your life.

Prosperity for the Poor

Abundance is a material expression, but what is truly circulating is consciousness.

It is now proven that the thought of giving, the thought of blessing, or a simple prayer has the great power to positively affect others.

As we are bundles of thought in a thinking Universe and thought has the power to transform, to create wealth, one must choose to be of a giving nature.

Whether you have many material things at disposal to participate in the Universe’s ebb and money flow or not does not matter. Know, you’ll be there soon: by using your thoughts and good intentions to bless others, be ready to be surprised and supported as prosperity appears in your life.

“According To Calculations…”
What Giving Gives Back, Scientifically Speaking

Photo Source: Dr. Steven Post’s Website

Generosity and compassion have been a focal point of research for decades, and studies have consistently shown that improved mood, better physical health and increased longevity are connected to givingSource.

As previously mentioned, when one gives, one gets back: so as they say,

“but wait, that’s not all!” (lol!)

A known and respected medical magazine, Positivity Psychology stated, “It’s been known humans are born with an innate sense of compassion, recently science has provided evidence showing the benefits for fostering compassion; which includes an overall healthier future”. Source

Many are elated to discover science provides us with a list of benefits we personally can look forward to when helping others.

Enjoy These 6 Amazing Unexpected Gifts When Giving

1. Giving brings joy.

Photo Source: Pure Happy Life

“A 2008 study by Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton and colleagues found that giving money to someone else lifted participants’ happiness more than spending it on themselves (despite participants’ prediction that spending on themselves would make them happier). Happiness expert Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, saw similar results when she asked people to perform five acts of kindness each week for six weeks.” Source.

These good feelings are reflected in our biology. “In a 2006 study, Jorge Moll and colleagues at the National Institutes of Health found that when people give to charities, it activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a “warm glow” effect. Scientists also believe that altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain, producing the positive feeling known as the “helper’s high.” Source.

2. Giving is good for our health.

Photo Source: Top Line MD

“A wide range of research has linked different forms of generosity to better health, even among the sick and elderly. In his book Why Good Things Happen to Good People, Stephen Post, a professor of preventative medicine at Stony Brook University, reports that giving to others has been shown to increase health benefits in people with chronic illness, including HIV and multiple sclerosis.” Source.

“A 1999 study led by Doug Oman of the University of California, Berkeley, found that elderly people who volunteered for two or more organizations were 44 percent less likely to die over a five-year period than were non-volunteers, even after controlling for their age, exercise habits, general health, and negative health habits like smoking. Stephanie Brown of the University of Michigan saw similar results in a 2003 study on elderly couples. She and her colleagues found that those individuals who provided practical help to friends, relatives, or neighbors, or gave emotional support to their spouses, had a lower risk of dying over a five-year period than those who didn’t. Interestingly, receiving help wasn’t linked to a reduced death risk.” Source.

“Researchers suggest that one reason giving may improve physical health and longevity is that it helps decrease stress, which is associated with a variety of health problems. In a 2006 study by Rachel Piferi of Johns Hopkins University and Kathleen Lawler of the University of Tennessee, people who provided social support to others had lower blood pressure than participants who didn’t, suggesting a direct physiological benefit to those who give of themselves.” Source.

3. Giving promotes cooperation and social connection.

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“When you give, you’re more likely to get back: Several studies, including work by sociologists Brent Simpson and Robb Willer, have suggested that when you give to others, your generosity is likely to be rewarded by others down the line — sometimes by the person you gave to, sometimes by someone else.” Source.

“These exchanges promote a sense of trust and cooperation that strengthens our ties to others — and research has shown that having positive social interactions is central to good mental and physical health. As researcher John Cacioppo writes in his book Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection, “The more extensive the reciprocal altruism born of social connection . . . the greater the advance toward health, wealth, and happiness.” Source.

What’s more, when we give to others, we don’t only make them feel closer to us; we also feel closer to them. “Being kind and generous leads you to perceive others more positively and more charitably,” writes Lyubomirsky in her book The How of Happiness, and this “fosters a heightened sense of interdependence and cooperation in your social community.” Source.

4. Giving evokes gratitude.

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“Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end of a gift, that gift can elicit feelings of gratitude — it can be a way of expressing gratitude or instilling gratitude in the recipient. And research has found that gratitude is integral to happiness, health, and social bonds.” Source.

“Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, co-directors of the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness, found that teaching college students to “count their blessings” and cultivate gratitude caused them to exercise more, be more optimistic, and feel better about their lives overall. A recent study led by Nathaniel Lambert at Florida State University found that expressing gratitude to a close friend or romantic partner strengthens our sense of connection to that person.” Source.

Barbara Fredrickson, a pioneering happiness researcher, suggests that cultivating gratitude in everyday life is one of the keys to increasing personal happiness. “When you express your gratitude in words or actions, you not only boost your own positivity but [other people’s] as well,” she writes in her book Positivity. “And in the process you reinforce their kindness and strengthen your bond to one another.Source.

5. Giving is contagious.

Did you know you can catch the “Giving Bug?” That’s right, giving is contagious. The more you give and, spread your passion for giving to others, the more others will give. When you give, you create a ripple effect, spreading generosity throughout our community. Your gifts today can inspire others to be generous tomorrow.

“A study by James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego, and Nicholas Christakis of Harvard, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, shows that when one person behaves generously, it inspires observers to behave generously later, toward different people. In fact, the researchers found that altruism could spread by three degrees — from person to person to person to person. “As a result,” they write, “each person in a network can influence dozens or even hundreds of people, some of whom he or she does not know and has not met.” Source.

Giving has also been linked to the release of oxytocin, a hormone (also released during sex and breast feeding) that induces feelings of warmth, euphoria, and connection to others. In laboratory studies, Paul Zak, the director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, has found that a dose of oxytocin will cause people to give more generously and to feel more empathy towards others, with “symptoms” lasting up to two hours. And those people on an “oxytocin high” can potentially jumpstart a “virtuous circle, where one person’s generous behavior triggers another’s,” says Zak.” Source.

6. Giving Is the Fountain of Youth & Natural Antidepressant

Time Magazine shares a powerful study and states: “It doesn’t take a neuroscientist to know that doing nice things for people feels good. But now, researchers say they’ve discovered that even thinking about doing something generous has real mood-boosting benefits in the brain”. Source.

In a new study published in Nature Communications, researchers from the University of Zurich in Switzerland told 50 people they’d be receiving about $100 over a few weeks. Half of the people were asked to commit to spending that money on themselves, and half were asked to spend it on someone they knew.

MRI’s showed those who had agreed to spend money on other people tended to make more generous decisions throughout the experiment, compared to those who had agreed to spend on themselves. They also had more interaction between the parts of the brain associated with altruism and happiness, and they reported higher levels of happiness after the experiment was over.

Studies have shown that older people who are generous tend to have better health, says Tobler, and other research has indicated that spending money on others can be as effective at lowering blood pressure as medication or exercise. “Moreover, there is a positive association between helping others and life expectancy,” he adds, “perhaps because helping others reduces stress.”

Another Great Giving Source.

The study suggests that making a pledge to do generous things could be a useful way to reinforce altruistic behavior and even make people happier, says Tobler. “It is known that actually helping others and being generous to them increases happiness,” he says. “I would still consider that the primary route to boost happiness; however, making a commitment to help others is a first step to follow through.”

Time Magazine concludes: Next time you think that the best way to make yourself feel better is to buy yourself a treat, consider that the opposite is likely true. “It is worth giving it a shot, even if you think it would not work,” Tobler says. “In order to reap health benefits, repeated practice is probably needed so that giving becomes second nature.” Source.


Remember…In The Intro I Simply Told You To Give!

I tried to save you a few pages of reading by sharing the “not-so-secret” way on how to completely change your life and see results, instantly!

If you’ve read all of this, you’ve absorbed about 12 min of how science, spirituality, religion, and psychology proving giving brings; happiness, wealth, health, longer life: all while saving another’s life, starting a ripple effect, positively changing the world….

See, I told you giving was important. Now what are you waiting for?

It’s time to be inspired and inspire others. So… How are you giving back?

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Called To Charity, But Don’t Know Where To Start?

Hey! That’s okay. Don’t let that stop you. I once believed I didn’t have anything to give. I was a vastly educated individual but became sick, lost all my belongings and had NOTHING TO GIVE- except my heart, time, and love.

Guess what? That was enough to change my life when I was focused on serving others.

In this article, I can’t drone on to describe the changes I experienced learning giving and gratitude, but I can promise you: love, prosperity, abundance, health and pure joy await a pure hearted giver.

If you’d like to join me on my “Proof of Gratitude” Tour or join a “Giving Nation,” we welcome you! My way to give back and change the world is termed: GIVE Nation! We are a mobile app where children 5–18 can become philanthropists and practice sustainable financial literacy.

They can then take their pocket allowance or earned education income and donate to their charities, other kids charities or shop in our curated marketplace. When kids act in altruistic manners, they’re rewarded, again and again… producing a more empathetic society.

Thank you so much for reading!
If you’ve found value, please comment or give a couple ‘likes’ and shares!

Tell me what you think.

I’d love to professionally discuss, collaborate and connect with you all. Would love any feedback, positive and negative; as I’m only here to improve and educate myself/others.

How can we mutually benefit one another?

Let’s Connect





About GIVE Nation

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By focusing on community driven education and including philanthropic actions; GIVE Nation helps 5–18 year olds with sustainable financial literacy while positively impacting their community through the power of altruism and partnered charities. GIVE offers unique education and opportunities for children, while providing a reward system for good behavior & charitable acts. GIVE Nations platform offers features for our children within a safe ecosystem to improve our planet and foster entrepreneurship, imagination, and altruism.

GIVE’s mission encourages an altruistic culture in young minds by improving the planet through promoting transparent acts of kindness. Future generations achieve happiness and sustainable financial well-being through a real-world education using digital currencies, blockchain and A.I. technology, while supporting charities. GIVE Nation is a world for kids by kids.

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Help GIVE foster generosity and sustainable financial literacy in kids by joining our #GiveNation revolution on social media!

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Alyze Sam
GIVE Nation

Life is less complicated when you’re pure of heart and mind. #WomenInBlockchain