Exploring the Learnings from the First Salon by TheGlint.

An evening aimed at meaningful conversations

Damian Madray


It’s been over two weeks since we held the first salon of TheGlint. I’ve met with dozens of guests, artists and team members to collect feedback. It has given me time to reflect, understand and conclude on how to improve.

In order to really parse the data that I’ve collected in my mind, it requires understanding what we’re trying to achieve. The truth be told, the first salon is not the final product I’m aiming to create. In fact, as much as everyone enjoyed it, it’s a good ways away from what I envision. However, it was a great indication of it’s potential and the direction. The elements I believe to be necessary for achieving our aspirations is there — amazing people, diversity, inspiring space and creativity. I only have to fit them together precisely. This is exciting!

Part of my struggle with the idea is structured vs. unstructured. How much of one or the other, if any? Humans are such complex creatures or in general, life . One part of our existence yearns for structure and on the other hand, it yearns for it to be removed. I believe when structured is removed there’s a creative energy that’s tapped, an energy that allows us to rift and as such explore and discover what we might not ordinarily. I want to take conversations there as often as possible.

So, do I structure salons with various labels like networking, workshops, after-party, etc? Do I establish this on the backend or do I strive for the organic creation of such energy? Do I put signs up that say, “no phones” or do I try to encourage people to do that on their own accord? Do I encourage interaction in the art performances or only celebrate artists? Do I make the performances shorter? Do I have topics and themes or do I let it just flow? How do I break up the cliques? How do I make it forgiving to the introverts? It’s an awesome struggle seeking the answers and hopefully I’m asking the right questions.

Salons are meant to be creative. Aims at making you vulnerable. It’s goal is to help you connect. Structure, in my mind, is their kryptonite .

When I’m in my room, alone, I tap into a creative force that allows me to apply my thinking to anything of my choosing. Today, writing this article. Tomorrow, designing. We all have this place we go to. What allows us to tap into that? I think it is that element of trust, safety and comfort. This is where I want to bring the conversations we have at salons. It gives freedom to think and say whatever without being judged. It’s a release from societal constraints.

The question I often ask myself is how does this all play into redesigning heroism? What do salons and conversations have to do with it. Below all the surface level responses I can give to that, there is a simple truth — we’ll listen more. Do you see it? Imagine a place where we can get the smartest, brightest and most creative individuals to listen and connect without prejudice of nationality, race or religion.

Hmmm… perhaps I’m dreaming. Perhaps I’m naive in thinking such small focus around conversations could have a large impact. Maybe I am. But I’d like to open my eyes one day and see it to be reality because then… then that’d be cool.

Thank you for those who attended. It wasn’t just a salon or a night out, it was a journey you started with us.



Damian Madray

Chief Experience Officer, @imwithpresence. @500startups Alum.