“New Era”, “National Rejuvenation”…

2 min readNov 5, 2017


On October 18th, most of the Chinese TV channels broadcasted the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The twice-a-decade event has been a tradition since 1982 introduced by Ding Xiaoping, aiming to restore order after the Culture Revolution. As time pass, Party’s leader usually revises the national constitutions and elect new political elites at the gathering.

The leading actor of this gathering was obviously Mr. Xi since he gave a three-hour speech where no policy changed. More importantly, he further consolidated his power by replacing his opponent by his loyal allies. Whereas symbolically the rule of China is concentrated in Mr. Xi’s hands, the key decisions are made by Politburo Standing committee. At this National Congress, Mr. Xi immediately replaced five out of seven members of this standing committee. Moreover, since there is not an introduction of younger talents into the committee, rumors start to spread that Mr. Xi has no intention to step down after a usual ten-years ruling.

As “Xi Jinping thought” was written into Party’s constitutions, it forced Mr. Xi opponents to be silent as now opposing Mr. Xi is considered as challenging the whole Communist Party. However, one men’s ruling is not good for the country or its citizens. It will become more difficult for people to protest when one more Nobel Peace Literate are jailed for free speech. To protect Party’s interests, Mr. Xi asserts more force to state’s surveillance over social media as more “sensitive contents” are deleted or blocked. He also demands more state’s control over the economy, and, theoretically, command economy has never been prosperous.

As U.S. President Donald Trump underestimates the value of allies, Mr. Xi has a more significant global vision for China. Mr. Xi promised he would not step down from the commitment of globalization, free trade, and Paris agreement. With the “Belt and Road initiatives”, he strives to bring infrastructure into Southern Aisa and Eastern Europe.

Mr. Xi’s ascendant power may bring good results to the world. However, if things go wrong, a stronger dictatorship in the world second largest economy may cause destruction that cannot be reversed.

