Proposed Bill - Mandatory Extracurricular Activities

Karl Zhu
The Global Voice
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2017

Proposed Bill: Each student attending a school under the Ministry of Education must participate in at least one extracurricular activity. Students would have a variety of different choices, including clubs, intramurals, teams and societies. With all this, and statistics showing the improvement of grades due to this, extracurricular activities can truly make a person unique and powerful, bringing valiant citizens to society. As students time manage through an excruciating schedule, develop strong relationships and discover new skills, they will see their true potential upon this world.

What can extracurricular activities bring to students? The benefits are overwhelmingly important to each student here today.

Reason #1 — Learning Time Management and Commitment

Students involved in extracurricular activities will learn about time management and committing to things in their life. Later in life, adults must juggle and balance a multitude of different tasks and commitments, so getting involved in these activities can give children a head start at some practice. For example, many adults may have to go through a 9–5 job, then picking up their kids, perhaps with a shopping stop during the trip, go home make dinner. Students nowadays must be acclimated to future schedules, so they will not suffer later in life. A student who is busy with coursework but also needs to balance other extracurricular activities is more likely to plan time dedicated to each activity and less likely to procrastinate during downtimes, both positive attributes. They can easily mimic the same schedule, such as a 9–3 school day, a club meeting, a team practice, and finally homework and sleep. This will teach students how to accomplish every task efficiently and easily.

Students learn about long term commitments when they are involved in extracurricular activities as well, which is another excellent benefit. When they join one of the activities or clubs, they commit themselves to that activity for a period of time. If they drop out of the activity, they’ll hear about it from their peers and teachers. Learning to take on commitments is important, and these activities can teach your child this important lesson. In life, if a person is unreliable, no employer will entrust them with responsibility and the trustworthy values decrease.

Adults in life will an excessive number of tasks to complete, so students must be well-equipped for the future so they can combat the future stress. Extracurricular activities are a great way to train the student to manage their time for the tasks and to learn how to commit and complete everything to the best of their ability.

Benefit #2 — Builds Self Confidence and Relationships.

Currently, due to the influx of social media in our society, many students feel worthless, weak or stupid, because they may not match up to the latest pop star or athlete. They just think life is useless to them as they have no strengths to show. Students struggle with self esteem, and these activities are a way that they can build self esteem. Everyone wants to find something that they excel at, and exploring extracurricular activities will provide them with a way that they can and shine, giving their self esteem a huge boost. Allowing our students to find out and believe in their forte will make them feel wanted and belonging in society.

Students will also have the benefit of building solid relationships and learn how to appropriately act in social situations. Extracurricular activities offer an opportunity for your child to interact with others with similar interests and potentially build friendships outside of their usual circle. Students will see other people that they may never get to have known before, and that may spark a new strong friendship.

Students will be able to think far greater of themselves, as people who have an impact on the world, not as useless things. As well, they will get to develop deep connections with people that they would have possibly never met before, opening doors to new friendships.

Benefit 3: Opening minds to new interests and skills.

In school, there are a lot of different subjects and electives that students can choose from to pursue that sector. However, extracurricular activities can expand on an interest in detail than what is covered in class — or allow a student to find a completely new interest that they wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. They can also provide a great chance for students to broaden their perspective of the world, especially those involved in volunteering and community service. For example, a student with a keen passion for drama, might seek out to join productions of plays or other acting opportunities. Being around this stream could help them decide if drama will be something to follow and pursue in future life.

As well as building skills within a specific discipline, extracurricular activities are great for developing general life skills. Debating for public speaking, student council for leadership and planning and sports for teamwork. Each student will have the chance to become a well-rounded person, capable of a multitude of different tasks.

With extracurricular activities, students can develop necessary life skills to succeed in society, allowing them to be able to interact with the ever-changing world today. But that is only accessible if our students pursue their interests in a field, giving the world an equilibrium in people of all passions and knowledge.

Conclusion: Academic rigors such as in-depth reading and complex problem-solving go far to strengthen the mind, but extracurricular activities will take this mind strengthening even further. Patience and resilience in the face of intense difficulty will arise in students as they take on extracurricular activities. In life, no longer is academics solely responsible for a bright future, as now more and more employers and universities seek out a well-rounded individual. Today’s society has changed, and therefore our students must also change to incorporate extracurricular activities.

