What is Net Neutrality and Why Should You Care

Alejandro Ignacio Morles
The Global Voice
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2017

Over the last month or so, a war has been going on in the United States. That war is the War against Net Neutrality. Since May, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been trying to take down net neutrality. However, the general public wants it to to stay. A public opinion poll carried out by Mozilla and Ipsos in May revealed overwhelming support across parties for net neutrality, with over 75% of Americans supporting net neutrality. However what exactly is net neutrality? And why does it have the public’s support?

Net neutrality is what keeps the internet you’re receiving almost the same as your neighbor’s next door. Both of you can access Google, Yahoo, Bing and any other site with equal priority. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) can’t make Bing appear more than Google because of they just want to, or vise versa. Net neutrality keeps the internet a fair area for everyone and everything. Additionally, without net neutrality, you’d start seeing screens like this.

The Internet would be populated with pop-ups and screens like that. Your ISP could have the option to charge you more money to access popular websites like Netflix or YouTube. The only thing stopping ISP’s from doing that is net neutrality. This is why we have to publicly speak out against the FCC trying to take down it down, as, without net neutrality, ISP bills would skyrocket just to get the same sites we used to have. Clearly, the United States is about to have a huge crisis on their hands if they continue to move forward with this.



Alejandro Ignacio Morles
The Global Voice

Alejandro Morles is a budding philanthropist and politically active teen. He likes getting straight to the point and can reached on LinkedIn at /in/amorles/ .