How to Brand a Coffee Shop? Part 1: Positioning

What if the secret to your coffee shop’s success isn’t in your cup, but in your customers’ minds?

In a world where coffee shops seem to sprout on every corner, why do some cafés become beloved neighborhood institutions while others struggle to stay afloat? The answer often lies not in the quality of the coffee but in how the brand is positioned in the minds of customers.

Over the past two decades, we have worked with nearly a dozen coffee houses across three continents, uncovering surprising universal truths about what drives success in this competitive industry. We’ve found that a well-positioned brand can be the difference between a coffee shop that merely survives and one that thrives.

In this article, the first in our three-part series on coffee shop branding, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to position your business for success. You’ll learn:

  1. The four pillars of a magnetic coffee brand
  2. How to decode the hidden language of coffee
  3. Strategies for crafting your shop’s unique character
  4. Winning positioning tactics for various scenarios

Whether you’re launching a new venture or seeking to revitalize an existing café, this article will provide insights and tools to create a coffee shop brand that not only attracts customers but turns them into loyal advocates.

Let’s dive in.

The Four Pillars of a Magnetic Coffee Brand

Every brand should answer four essential questions:

  1. Who do we serve?
  2. Why do we exist beyond making a profit?
  3. How do we differ from the competition?
  4. And what is our unique value proposition?

These questions should be the starting point for any coffee shop. While they might seem daunting, they don’t have to be. If you are rebranding, you have a tremendous untapped resource: your clientele!

You should begin by tapping into your customers’ collective wisdom. Many coffee shops have thousands of followers on Instagram and Facebook. So, you can create an online survey, offer a small incentive (like, “20% off on your next purchase”), and share it across your social media channels. The insights you’ll gain will far outweigh the small cost of running the survey.

Online Surveys are great tools to have a better understanding of who your customers really are.

Beyond demographic information, you would gain valuable insights on more subtle aspects. For example, you could ask customers what motivates them to visit your coffee shop. You might be surprised by the answers.

One of our clients, who prides itself on selling high-quality coffee, discovered that their most significant segment primarily visited for a particular type of pastry. Coffee was merely an excuse. This insight led them to adjust their value proposition, helping them quickly grow from a single-location coffee shop to a 12-location chain!

Similarly, analyzing demographics can reveal surprising patterns. For example, one client discovered that as their clientele's education level increased, so did their preference for tea over coffee. Insights like this are easily uncovered if you ask the right questions.

Decoding Coffee’s Hidden Language

Another powerful question to ask is: what comes to mind when customers think of “coffee”?

Research shows that people associate coffee with a handful of metaphors. For some, it’s balance; they drink coffee to relax and rebalance. For others, it’s transformation; coffee lifts their mood or helps them escape the present moment. Still, for others, it’s fuel; they drink it to stimulate their senses, wake up, or get creative.

These are known as root metaphors, and understanding which one resonates most with your clientele is crucial.

Imagine two scenarios: in one, customers see coffee as fuel, so your brand should be positioned to emphasize quick service, helping people “power up” for the day. In another, customers view coffee as a connection, then your shop should be marketed as a warm, social hub. This small insight can have enormous implications for your brand.

The Power of Comparative Categorization

Understanding how customers categorize your shop compared to others is equally important. Every product belongs to a category in customers’ minds, and knowing what people compare you to is vital.

One of our clients thought they were in the third-wave coffeehouse business, only to discover that customers were actually comparing them to larger chains like Starbucks and Costa Coffee. This realization led them to shift their focus from craftsmanship to convenience, from a hyper-local identity to broader social belonging.

You can discover this by giving customers a list of your close competitors and asking them to identify which they see as your closest competitor. Additionally, asking why they prefer your shop over others can provide valuable insights and highlight your competitive advantages.

Crafting Your Coffee Shop’s Unique Character

Another critical step is understanding and developing your brand’s personality. There are countless ways to explore this. You can ask: if your brand were a celebrity, who would it be? If it were an animal, what would it be? If it were a song, what would it be? The possibilities are endless.

One of our clients asked these questions and received a dual response: Gwyneth Paltrow and Jamie Oliver, representing both health-consciousness and a love for good food. This led the client to create a brand personality that balanced nourishment and indulgence, drastically different from their competitors.

Understanding Your Coffee Shop’s Vibe

Lastly, you can ask customers about the emotions they associate with your coffee shop. Do they feel relaxed, excited, or comfortable when they visit? Understanding the vibe your shop exudes is critical for refining the customer experience. If feedback indicates that customers feel stressed in your space, you might consider making changes to create a more relaxed environment. This knowledge also guides your marketing efforts; you can use the emotions customers mention to attract new patrons who seek that same feeling.

Image: ¡MOM | © 2021 by Family First

One of our clients had a breakthrough when they discovered their customers wanted to feel pleased, cared for, and valued, whereas the café had been trying to energize and stimulate them. This discovery transformed the business’s approach to customer service and marketing.

Positioning Playbook: Six Winning Strategies

What if you’re opening a new coffee shop or don’t have enough customers to survey? Here are some universal rules of positioning drawn from our work with coffee shops worldwide.

1. Isolated Location Rule

If your coffee shop is the only one in the area, you must own the core category of coffee — whether that’s connection, fuel, or another metaphor. Offer a wide range of coffee options and aim to become the standard in the community.

2. Crowded Market Rule

In a highly competitive location, differentiation is key. Provide unique experiences, signature drinks, or specialized services that set you apart from others. Understanding your competitors and how you compare is essential in this scenario.

3. Third Wave Saturated Area Rule

When you’re in an area filled with third-wave coffee shops, meeting high-quality standards isn’t enough. Find innovative ways to stand out, such as sourcing rare beans or partnering with respected local suppliers to build credibility through association.

4. Residential Neighborhood Rule

In residential areas, aim to become part of the community. Create a welcoming, homey atmosphere and foster connections by hosting local events, displaying local art, or offering community boards for neighbors to share information.

5. Business District Rule

In business-heavy areas, efficiency is crucial. Optimize your service for speed, offer mobile ordering, and design the space for quick customer flow to cater to busy professionals.

6. University Area Rule

Near a college campus, balance affordability with a comfortable, study-friendly environment. Provide ample seating, power outlets, reliable Wi-Fi, and extended hours during exam periods to attract students.

From Beans to Brand: Your Next Steps in Coffee Shop Success

Positioning your coffee shop is about more than choosing a location and serving great coffee. It’s about creating a unique identity that resonates with your target audience and stands out in a crowded market. By applying the strategies outlined in this article — understanding root metaphors, developing a unique personality, and following scenario-specific rules — you’re not just opening a café; you’re building a brand with the potential to become a beloved community fixture.

Remember, effective positioning shapes everything from your menu and décor to customer service and marketing. It’s the North Star guiding your decisions. By deeply understanding your customers, competition, and unique value proposition, you’ll lay the foundation for long-term success.

In the next article, we’ll show you how to translate your positioning into a compelling visual identity. Then we’ll conclude the series by discussing communication strategies to attract and retain loyal customers.

Positioning your coffee shop may be challenging, but it’s an opportunity for creativity and growth. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. If you need expert guidance, we’re here to help turn your coffee shop into the next community success story.

So, what are you waiting for? Start surveying your customers, analyzing the competition, and reflecting on what makes your shop unique. Your perfectly positioned brand — and your future success — await! Stay tuned for the next installment, and get ready to make your coffee shop the talk of the town!

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