🎙️ Podcast Bonus Ep #1: What we’ve learned so far in < 5 min

Anand Sampat
The Good AI Podcast
3 min readOct 30, 2020

Happy (Spooky?) Friday Y’all! Have a safe and COVID-free Halloween 😀

As a quick reminder, we finally got out a 1 min trailer for new listeners! Check it out at the link below, and share it with others if you think they’ll like it 😀

Podcast Trailer (1 min)

The journey of podcasting is one of discovery. I started this because I wanted to interview social enterprises looking to build high-growth businesses and learn what helps these companies be successful.

After 4 episodes, thanks to the generosity of the founders willing to take their time, we’ve already learned so much — in this post and quick bonus podcast, we’ll summarize what we’ve learned.

We’ll let the founders guide us. So if you want, check out each of the previous posts for all of the details:

Now, to summarize the sage advice from these founders, we attempted to boil it down into 5 key insights in less than 5 minutes.

For the full lowdown in speaking form, click below for the podcast, or scroll down for the highlights of these key points in written form (full details in the episode 😀).

Listen to the Bonus Episode

  1. No one ever is fully confident they will be successful when they start their company, but the hunger for solving the problem can carry you through.
  2. Set a strong mission-driven culture to attract the best talent and filter for people motivated by the same calling.
  3. Doing good without a growth mechanism and sound business principles and business model isn’t sustainable.
  4. Create a product or service that makes a difference along the way because even if it doesn’t work out, you won’t regret the journey.
  5. We all live within the constraints of the systems we inhabit, but can create lasting change if we dare to try something new. Time waits for no one, so get started today.

We’re just getting started here and have some exciting founders coming up, but if any of these lessons are interesting, subscribe to the podcast to hear it from the founders themselves and draw your own conclusions — would love to hear them!

Subscribe on Spotify

You can tweet us @dwdgsf or email us at hello@doingwellbydoinggood.co and you can find all of the relevant links for the Doing Well by Doing Good series @ http://dwdgsf.com OR search “Doing Well by Doing Good” on your favorite podcasting platform to subscribe to the podcast directly (if Spotify isn’t quite your jam).

Thanks for joining us in this journey and have a great weekend!


Originally published at https://dwdg.substack.com.



Anand Sampat
The Good AI Podcast

Builder. Thinker. Musician. Subscribe to my newsletter @ http://dwdg.substack.com @datmoAI (acq by @oneconcerninc)