AgentOps for Mom & Pops Part I

Bobby Gilbert
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2023

AI Adoption — A New Reality for Small Businesses

Welcome to the first installment of our five-part blog series, “AgentOps for Mom & Pops,” where we delve into how small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can harness the transformative power of AI and Agent Operations (AgentOps) to enhance their business journeys. Small businesses often find themselves juggling daily operations, customer service, and administrative tasks, leaving little room for strategic growth. Our series aims to explore how AgentOps — essentially the tools, infrastructure, and strategies for deploying AI agents, akin to smart virtual assistants — can help these businesses overcome such challenges.

By leveraging AgentOps and powerful generative AI models, even “mom and pop” shops can automate tasks, engage customers more effectively, and unlock valuable data-driven insights without the need for a large tech team. Today, we begin our series by addressing the reality of AI adoption in the realm of SMBs and how it’s steadily transforming the business landscape.

Why AI? The Changing Business Landscape and Opportunities for SMBs

AI is no longer a distant, futuristic concept reserved only for tech giants. It’s here, accessible, and transforming the way businesses across industries operate, connect with customers, and strategize. The true power of AI, particularly generative AI, is its adaptability and pervasive applicability across various sectors.

According to a recent Accenture study, a staggering 97% of global executives believe that AI foundational models will facilitate connections across diverse data types, heralding a significant shift in how we employ these tools. AI’s unique ability to sift through and analyze immense amounts of data to deliver actionable insights means SMBs can now partake in this digital revolution and exploit its many benefits. Source

Backing this up, a study by Forrester Consulting commissioned by Mailchimp revealed that a resounding 88% of SMB marketers believe that to meet customer expectations and maintain competitiveness, their organizations must ramp up their usage of automation and AI. Source

Despite the clear benefits, SMBs face considerable obstacles in adopting AI. As highlighted by Dave Zielinski, these challenges include a growing gap between SMBs and larger enterprises in AI adoption, often caused by limited internal AI expertise and prohibitive costs associated with establishing AI platforms. However, the emergence of AI-as-a-service platforms has begun to lower these barriers, providing SMBs with a more accessible entry point into the world of AI. Source

Bridging the AI Disconnect

The AI Disconnect, representing the gap in AI adoption between large companies and SMBs, has traditionally stifled smaller businesses from leveraging AI due to limited resources, expertise, and complex technology.

Emerging solutions like LLaMA 2, Meta’s new open-source AI model, are bridging this gap. This platform, coupled with Microsoft’s support, is readily available for commercial use and shifts the landscape of AI accessibility, offering a cost-free alternative to rival models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus. Source

This milestone in AI accessibility encourages a community-driven approach to AI and empowers SMBs to incorporate AI into their business strategies. LLaMA 2, hosted on Microsoft Azure and soon on other platforms, brings transformative potential to the AI market, promising advanced performance and safety measures.

Thus, fostering an AI-centric culture is vital for SMBs, viewing AI not merely as an automation tool but as a strategic asset for innovation and competitive advantage.

Embracing AgentOps

AgentOps, which refers to using AI agents to automate and enhance operations, can be a game-changer for SMBs. By integrating AI agents into their operations, SMBs can create more efficient workflows, save resources, and drive their business growth.

One major advantage is their ability to operate around the clock. Unlike human staff, AI agents can work 24/7, ensuring that tasks such as customer support or order tracking are handled promptly even outside of regular business hours. This can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

AgentOps also facilitate data-driven decision-making. AI agents can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, providing valuable insights that can guide business decisions. These insights can help SMBs understand their customers better, improve their products or services, and identify new opportunities for growth.


In the next installment of our “AgentOps for Mom & Pops” series, we will delve into “Part 2: Driving Efficiency — How AI Boosts Productivity for SMBs”. We’ll explore how AI can turbocharge productivity and efficiency in more depth, showcasing real-world examples, and discussing actionable strategies for SMBs. Stay tuned to discover more about how AI can be your game-changer, transforming challenges into opportunities and ushering in a new era of growth and innovation for your business.

At theGPTlab, our work revolves around making the concept of AgentOps accessible to businesses of all sizes. By embracing AI agents for automation and insight, small businesses can boost efficiency, better engage customers, and make data-driven decisions.

