
Arnav Bansal
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2018

Warning: Read only if you like speculating with your time. It might not have much which is useful. It’s a flow of thoughts.

I observed how I learn things.

Lots of exploration, across areas. Light reading.

When things interest me, I learn them, and write or speak about them.

And if I’m thinking about something, occasionally I connect different concepts. That creates something seemingly useful. Perhaps, even new.

And sometimes, ideas emerge from the ether.

They’re still related to other things (everything likely is) but connections aren’t obvious.

I’ve always found ancestors to thoughts, but this might not be a global experience. I assume some people have created things out of thin air, but no specific example came to mind.

So I assume most people follow a similar pattern:

  • Exploration
  • Internalization
  • Synthesis by connecting dots
  • Synthesis ex nihilo (out of nothing)

If you think differently about this, tell me. Challenge this. It’s possible this doesn’t make sense.

But if it does, I’ve got a lot to write.

