Ideas to keep in mind every step of the way

Raajas Sode
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2018

Things you need to constantly keep reminding yourself in life-Seeing the Big Picture.

If you’re not enjoying yourself now, you never will.

The whole point of happiness is to be intrinsically happy first, and then face all the obstacles in life. Because if you look at the big picture, the very fact that you are alive an human is a big lotto you have already won in life. You just need to cash into it. Nothing tops being alive and healthy. There is always going to be something to upset you , if you let it, but the whole point of being alive is to live now, and do what you want now, and not cling on to a hope for a better future while dragging on today’s misery. If you don’t like whats happening today, then change it. If you are not appreciating what is happening today, then remember that you are alive and be greatful.

Flow is the key to happiness.

Tony Robbins and many other Positive Psychologists have proved it that humans only seek one thing in the world. And that is happiness. And happiness comes, not from money and fame, but from progress. We all love the Rocky movies or any such blockbuster classic because it shows progress. Its hows how the hero grows in character, strength and builds a stronger mindset. We somewhat relate to progress because that is what our hearts desire. Develop habits and indulge in activities that ensure your progress in life. That get you where you want to get. And indulge in that activity that makes you unaware of all your worries. That will make you progress in life and that will keep you happy. Psychologists call this a state of flow. When someone is so indulged in what they are doing, an activity that is nor too simple or nor too difficult to undertake, that a person transcends into a world of his own. Focus on flow, and focus on flow.

Perfection lies in Perception

Don’t run behind perfection. There is no perfect moment to start something. Rather you should change your perfection, and make the present moment a perfect one to start. I will never have an empty train compartment or an empty bus to travel in. There is always going to be a crowd. But If i stop and change my perception, the hindrance I have with the crowd becomes a perfect scenario for observation, a perfect scenario to practice empathy. To find perfection in a world that is far from imperfect. That is where stories are born. That is where people come up with the most brilliant ideas. A perfect world would just be a huge lump of nothingness. Where everything is handed to me. Where its just live, receive and die. Always remember that

Good Enough, is good enough.

Wanting a perfect wedding or a perfect score will leave you emotionally paralyzed if there is even a microscopic folly committed by an otherwise imperfect setting. The day you learn to embrace the chaos in life and learn that life does not happen according to the rules you set, but you live and experience life the way it is, would be the day you will come to an eternal state of peace.

You don’t know everything

When I was a kid, I had a very bad habit, When an adult would explain something to me, the moment I would comprehend a fraction of it, I would swiftly interrupt them by saying “I KNOW”. In the process I would miss the crucial part of the conversation, and a crucial lesson in life. Which is to

Learn to Listen. Because No one knows everything.

There might be geniuses and child-prodigies in the world, who seem to be the virtuosos in their field. But in the end, we are all still human. There will always be some branch of the tree of knowledge that we might miss out. I used to feel so overwhelmed by the chase for perfection in school, because that is what was demanded of us students. A perfect score, or You are a failure. No room for improvement. The perfect scores of other kids would strangle my confidence when I would get a B or a C on my tests. I would feel like a failure and would completely ignore the huge learning opportunity and the room for improvement that was waiting for me. This happened to me while in college too. The way to get over it is to completely forget what the competition is up to and focus on the learning part. The day you accept that you don’t know everything, the fun begins. You will explore areas and find stuff that no one has ever found before.

If you accept that you are a fool, you will wander deep into the forests and discover the wonders that were never explored by those who think they are wise as they believe they know it all.

Love People and Use things, because the Opposite never works.

I had friends in college who would brag about how great they were because they had so many “friends” doing things for them. I thought that was a pointless concept. I would never like it if my friends just did things for me for the sake of it. I would never be proud of a life like that.

I would never “hook up with a cute hair-dresser just to get a expensive haircut for free”

Because that’s the way the world works, and that’s how you use people’s goodness for your own benefit. That’s a parasitic attitude and that is where humanity ends.

Learn to be the giver FIRST. After that , be grateful for whatever comes your way.

Being a parasite and being proud about just taking stuff from people is the opposite of what humanity stands for. Learn how to love people, get close to them, be a good friend, a good spouse, a good brother, a good son. Love those around you, and don’t mooch of your friends just because they do things for you.

The Ultimate Take-Away from this article is,

This is the only life you have, so don’t just squander it by doing things that don’t matter.

Prioritize your life to what makes you happy, and appreciate the things you have and the people you love you, because the fundamental truth is,

“You might not have tomorrow , what you forget to cherish today.”



Raajas Sode

The Relentless Hacker, Trying my best not to fit into society.