Something Different.

Raajas Sode
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2018

Searching for something different might not always get you where you want.

This is the time guys! Find your unique self! Abandon your nine to five job and go find your true passion. Go do something different, amazing and adventurous. Live your life to the fullest !! CARPEDIEM!!!

If you want to find such motivation out here on the internet, you are in for a treat.

Everyone who is inspired by motivational movies and quotes that tell you to quit your job and go ahead in life and do something different, do something that makes you feel whole. But what defines different?

The job you were so longing to get in college is suddenly shitty and a menace now? What according to you, isn’t a dreadful job? People love dissing on the 9–5 community, now that the start-up culture has changed everything. Everyone wants to go biking in the mountains and become a photographer. Everyone wants to go to the beach and run half naked in the water. Everyone wants a chilled out life with no agitation, irritation or painstaking hard-work.

The truth of today’s reality is,

We are breeding in a culture that is making us soft.

We have been brought up in a society where if something is painful, we can always have different options open to jump into. We have no stickability. We have no perseverance. Its easy to listen to those words when we hear them out loud in Motivational videos and talks. But these are the things that matter. Quitting is easy. Starting something new is easy. It isn’t the ugly part. The ugly part is when you keep grovelling and dragging yourself through your failures and mistakes, in the time when the whole world seems to be perfect and living their lives to the fullest. That kills you inside, but if you still stick to it, you will reach your goal.

People want to do something different and still be accepted by the majority that is following the “trend”.

That is quite counter-intuitive.

No career option or no skill and no dream is different, once you find yourself in the right group. That’s the problem right there. Some people are so accustomed to quitting, they always find an excuse like “I want to do something different”, when they see themselves running into a dead end with their current pursuit. Or say things like, “Ah, that is not my thing”, when they start noticing that their “different” pursuit is quite common and others are actually better at it than they are.

The world is doing their thing. They’re following the “trend”. Some are not. Some of them you will you will never see on Facebook with their buddies, sipping mocha lattes in a coffee shop, you will never see these people joining pointless get-togethers and events. These people will be in their rooms, on their computers, typing away rigorously. These people grind through their work, irrespective of what they think is different or not. These people Make a Difference.

What you do might be a huge cliche, but your passion and your unique way of doing it makes you unique. You being the change will bring a difference to your field. If you want to change the system, defeat the system first. Come up with something better.

Don’t be the guy with the protest sign. Be the guy who works up a better solution to the problem.

Be the guy/girl who grinds through technicalities of problems that are “not cool enough”, but are of the most importance.

Ask yourself what you want to do. Saying that you want to do something different is very easy. Wanting to protest and go against the trend to catch some attention is very simple. A nine to five is dreadful if you make it dreadful. Some career options are best when done nine to five.People have great lives doing 9–5 jobs. Everyone cannot sustain the “entrepreneurial life”. Its not very glamorous. The key take-away from this article is,

Don’t run behind “Different”. Run behind what makes you happy, and work through it.



Raajas Sode

The Relentless Hacker, Trying my best not to fit into society.