The Millennial Arrogance.

In a generation of information overload, we think we know it all, or have it easy when it comes to information. But we are unknowingly swimming in an ocean of controversies we have fabricated in our own minds.

Raajas Sode
5 min readJan 9, 2018

No, I Don’t Know. Is something you won’t get to hear very often these days. Even if you do, that I don’t know doesn’t last long, thanks to quick search engines like Google.The internet is in itself a whole new Universe of facts, stories, anecdotes and utter nonsense. The internet is the voice of the people, even those who might not actually exist. Some experts say its a mirror. A mirror that exposes and individual’s deepest darkest secrets, desires and insecurities. The internet has given us a voice, a source of insurmountable knowledge, and also the power to stay hooked on to whatever piece of content we desire to delve into. No more waiting in line at the DVD store. No more patiently waiting for the next episode of your favorite suspense thriller to come out next week. Why would you? When you can binge watch all 10 seasons in one night?

It’s very simple to be blinded in a generation where you want to get hooked. Believe it or not it is a huge subject of debate whether or not Social Media,or Web 2.0 is a Social Tool or is turning into more of a Social Evil. Social Media platforms that are seemed to be programmed in a way to entice and addict people, like a Slot Machine in a Las Vegas Casino. Skeptics can post videos and have brain-picking sessions with their contemporaries and experts regarding such topics.

The Ocean of Truth?

We would diss the TV and print media to no end for broadcasting news that lobbies public opinion to a rather extreme conclusion. We get to hear how big companies have funded news networks to broadcast news that works in the favor of their companies interests. You see what they want you to see, is what we seem to believe is true.

But this rather selective behavior that paid media does possess has started leaking into The free flowing fabric of information what we call the internet. Brand endorsements and paid ads on internet too, have given social media platforms the power to provide the privilege of voicing out their opinions to a wider audience, depending on how much they pay.

The internet is a stage where anyone and everyone is allowed to voice their opinions. But if I as an individual pay more, I can have my opinions voiced further, to a larger crowd, even if they are wrong. That kind of curbs the power which social media brings to the table. The Powerful can use it to mould public opinion, just as media outlets before the internet did. Paid advertisements and posts that can quickly enrage, provoke and give a false sense of the truth to those who are in search of it.

The Power Of Choice

Unlike TV,Radio or print media, the internet being a tool for the masses to voice their opinion, can also be used for all the wrong reasons. from making fake id’s on Facebook, to posting advertisements of fraudulent products to rip off people.But if you are smart enough to use the internet, you should also have a fair idea of what kind of people use the internet, and how it works. If you are a victim of automated messages and bots taking control of your consciousness, you need to rethink your whole purpose of why you use the medium in the first place.

Sean Parker, the man who played a key role in the development of Facebook said in an interview, that all these people who founded Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. knew what they were doing to people’s minds. And they did it anyway. When Television media was on the rise, the networks got the viewers hooked by giving them a false sense of reality. A sense of wanting more out of life because that’s the way it is. To have them “coming for more” (even when they’ve had enough).

Ad agencies poured in millions of dollars into TV and radio commercials which blatantly explained to us how unhealthy, hungry, out of fashion, poor, and boring they were. And now paid ads on the internet are surely following suit. But this time we have a choice. We have a choice to NOT ASK FOR IT. We have a choice to not buy into it. And that choice is only available to us when we develop a rational sense of thinking.

The Ground Rule is, “Everything that is posted on the internet isn’t true”.

Now there are certain verified sources. So no matter how much someone claims to be an expert, you cannot trust them unless there is a verified source backing his claim. Verified articles have proper citations. Information is true as long as it is supported and verified by facts. Facts that are verified by authority or professionals. The sun rises in the east is a well known fact which has been verified and established by professionals and the authority. Why you can verify that too with a compass. Which brings me to the second part of this post.

Individual Judgement

In a world where information is so readily available, we often fail to use our own judgement on things. Saying “Google it” sounds really cool, but i bet you would have a better run if you try and figure it out yourself. It gives the task of finding answers a much more adventurous and creative endeavour. Googling is easy, but thinking about things and figuring them out kind of gives you a deeper understanding of whatever it is you are looking for.

I’m not saying throw away our smart phone. Just remember that using Google or Reddit can always be a last resort. You can google for books and articles of course, you have to search through those too. but quick fixes like typing in one line questions will give you one line answers which give you a temporary sense of understanding but nothing deeper.

We would like to think that we know everything.But maybe we don’t. Maybe in this swarm of internet packets we still have to search for the truth.

Millennials are said to be more gullible than any other generation. More confused, more imbalanced, but at the same time, more driven. We can create change. We can harness the power of the open web and share our truthful, unbiased opinions, ideas and do great things.Of course having morally correct intentions. If you want a social life online, be sure that you aren’t addicted to it, or you don’t misuse your powers to provoke or hurt another, just for your own selfish motives.

Be Skeptical. Question everything you read. Have unbiased opinions.Having unbiased opinions keeps your thoughts open for discussion. Understand that the internet is built to this level by people no smarter than you and me. Some people are driven by personal interest, while some driven by extremist agendas. You don’t need to fall prey to your own gullibility. You can always be an open thinker and harness the power of this amazing tool for all its worth.



Raajas Sode

The Relentless Hacker, Trying my best not to fit into society.