
Amal Mohamed
The Groundhog
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America annually ranked the Hudson Valley region among the 100 most challenging places to reside with spring allergies in the United States.

Allergies are an overreaction by the immune system to something in our environment. There are several antibodies which are produced by the immune system to protect us from things like pollen. In an effort to protect us from the allergy threat, the antibodies trigger reactions ranging from irritations like congestion or rashes all the way up to life-threatening emergencies. There are many allergy symptoms caused by exposure to weed, grass, and tree pollen. Pollen is a yellow powder that is transported from one plant to another by insects, birds, and wind. The pollen spread is necessary in order for plants to be fertilized. An individual experiences high pollen symptoms when they breath in pollen-heavy air. The symptoms include constant watery eyes, itchy eyes and throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose.

Rite aid pharmacy on North Road worker, Samantha Czues, said, “We have experienced a higher number of purchase of allergy medications this past month. One key advice we always give is to get ahead of pollen season. If the person knows how they get during a certain month; they should start taking the medication before the month starts.”

Roda Mohamed, a vassar student, expressed how her allergies have been getting worse. She said, “ I have seasonal allergies and the constant change of this weather in Poughkeepsie has been making it worse for me. I am always struggling with runny nose, itchy skin, and being drowsy from all the medications.” The predicted pollen count on several weather websites have been extremely helpful with anyone who is fighting these allergies, and it should be the first thing the person checks if they are planning to go outside for the day.

