Have You Gotten Your Flu Shot Yet?…Well You’d Better.

Michael Conway
The Groundhog
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

Although it is something that more often than not escapes our minds, getting a flu shot this season might just be the most important thing you do for your health.

With multiple reports of deaths connected to the influenza virus, doctors and medical professionals are recommending now more than ever that people go and get their flu shots. With fatal reports coming out of New York City and Connecticut the only way to protect yourself from getting sick this season is to visit your local pharmacy for a flu shot.

The New York State Department of Health issued a press release through dutchessny.gov on Feb. 4, 2018 warning residents in the county of the seriousness of this years flu epidemic.

“‘We are seeing an increase in flu cases both nationwide and throughout New York State,’ said Commissioner A. K. Vaidian, MD, MPH. ‘It is important for anyone six months of age and older to be vaccinated against the flu, especially those who are pregnant or at higher risk for complications.’”

The widespread flu increase is seen not only in Dutchess county but has also affected other regions of New York state. “According to the Department of Health, cases of influenza rose by 54 percent and new cases were diagnosed in all counties of the state over the past week.” (hudsonvalleynewnetwork.com)

Although the flue virus seems to be a pressing issue in Dutchess county and throughout New York state, the answer is fairly simple. With an injection from your local pharmacy, the flu virus is pretty manageable. A local Rite Aid on 3350 North Road in Poughkeepsie, NY is seeing a record high number of people coming in for their flu shot.

“In regards to flu shots, our goal for out store was 970 flu shots and we have already given over 1,200 and people are still coming in every single day, we are still doing 5 or so a day. During peak it was 10 a day, but there were some days where it was 20 a day,” said Mackenzie Stephens, Pharmacy D. “We have also been dispensing tamiflu everyday, we give out about 20 doses a day as well. It's definitely crazy and nothing like it was last year.”

New York State has issued a recent mandate to change the vaccination laws to include children under the age of 18 to allow more residents to receive the vaccination. “In New York state pharmacists cant vaccinate under 18, its the law, but doctors offices have run out of their flu shots for the most part so New York state has mandated that pharmacists as of the end of this month can vaccinate three years of age and older,” said Stephens.

With the seriousness of flu season at an all time high from the past few years, the importance of proper vaccination and prevention is more important than ever.

