Hudson Valley Locals Share Thoughts on Trump Impeachment

Doug Johnston
The Groundhog
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2019
Courtesy of Pixabay

An impeachment inquiry has been made against President Donald Trump on Sept. 24, 2019 by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. It started after a leak that President Trump and his top administration officials had allegedly pressured leaders of foreign nations, including Ukraine, in ways that would benefit Trump’s personal interests.

With all of the controversy surrounding the White House, I decided to find out what local people of the Hudson Valley thought about all that’s going on in Washington, DC.

“I think it’s whatever. I expected it to happen because the democrats have literally been pushing for [impeachment] since the day [President Trump] was elected. Now that the election is up soon, they’re trying to do the same thing the republicans did to Hillary [Clinton] in 2016 by doing a ton of investigations. It’s pretty obvious that it’s a political move because if they really cared about getting him out of office they would just focus on winning. I also think [President Trump] is kind of dumb because he always gives [the Democrats] ammo to do things like this because he’s not a politician and doesn’t really think before he does certain things. Overall though I think it will eventually help him because it’s just gonna fire up his base even more,” Chris Brinkman said.

Other people can’t believe how long it has taken for a formal impeachment inquiry to be made official against President Trump. “The fact that it took this long is ridiculous. He’s not cooperating with the House [of Representatives] and he is talking with foreign leaders. The whole thing is just ridiculous,” Phil Pagnotta said.

On Oct. 8, the White House informed U.S. House Speaker Pelosi that they will not cooperate in what they view as an illegal effort. This will most likely end up in a battle at the court that will inform the White House on what they will need to provide. “It seems like they have something to hide,” Pagnotta said.

On the other hand Brinkman believes that that is a smart strategy for President Trump and the White House. “I think that it’s smart because he can stretch anything out until an election and possibly win the House with the republicans. Then the whole impeachment thing would be all over.” Brinkman said. Brinkman also mentioned how it takes a long time to get something through the courts.

Although Brinkman is a supporter of the president, he still has his critiques. “I like what he’s doing but not how he’s going about it. Brinkman said. “He’s just screwed himself a lot with stupid things. He could probably do better if he just kept his mouth shut.”

Since President Trump’s July 25, phone call with Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, multiple whistleblowers have come forward. A whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity. The president has since went after the whistle blowers, he is demanding to interview them.

