Poughkeepsie Businesses Busted in New York Drug Operation

Kenneth Guillaume
The Groundhog
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2019

A local Poughkeepsie pizzeria, café and barbershop were involved in a large smuggling operation throughout New York State with connections to the State of Florida.

Dutchess County was at the forefront of the operation as stated in New York Attorney General Latitia James’ press release from Nov. 15. “The Dutchess County component of the case centered around several businesses in Poughkeepsie, including a pizzeria, café, and barbershop.”

James and New York State Police announced Nov. 15 that an operation dubbed, “Operation Final Cut” seized large amounts of drugs and multiple weapons, leaving nine individuals with 168 indictment charges.

Attorney General James and New York State Police Superintendent Keith M. Corlett released the operation specifics mid-November after over a year long operation, that started in August 2018 by New York State Police Special Investigation Unit, was carried out.

TJ’s Pizza is at the center of massive New York drug ring bust — Photo from Poughkeepsie Journal

During the operation, four pounds of cocaine, one pound of methamphetamine pills, three loaded handguns and two high-capacity ammunition feeding devices were seized.

“Together, we will continue to aggressively target and pursue criminals who bring dangerous drugs and weapons into our communities, threaten the safety and security of our neighborhoods, and profit at the expense of our citizens,” Superintendent Corlett stated in James’ press release.

The operation involved hundreds of hours of physical surveillance, wiretapping, covert cameras, and undercover operations that lead multiple officers to seize the methamphetamine pills, weapons and cocaine dubbed “cuts,” and “white girl,” by the arrested individuals.

Individuals indicted in charges of A-, B- and D-Felony level of Criminal Sale and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance and Conspiracy to Commit said crimes hail from Poughkeepsie, Bronx and Coconut Creek, F.L. The Dutchess County residents charged on Nov 15 include Vincenzo Dalia, 25, Matthew Haddad, 33, Tony Jarrett, 35, Christian Myers, 28, and Rishad Thomas, 40.

Locals, including Marist College students who may have frequented the pizzaria or café, are shocked by the operation conducted by the New York State Police.

“Wow, are you serious?” was Emilie Hocter’s, Marist College senior, first response when she found out about the drug ring affiliation. “Obviously people know Poughkeepsie isn’t always the most PG, but this is pretty extreme.”

Attorney General James assured that acts like this and illegal behavior committed by the indicted individuals is not welcomed into New York’s communities. “Not only did these individuals bring dangerous drugs into our communities, but they put their children and families in harm’s way by using their businesses as storefronts for this operation. I thank the New York State Police for their partnership in this investigation and continued work to ensure the safety of all New Yorkers.”

