Vignettes of Poughkeepsie: Bardavon Opera House, Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

Skyler Van Valkenburgh
The Groundhog
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2016

As the sun sets on a quiet Poughkeepsie weekday, the marquee of the famous Bardavon Opera House can be clearly seen on Market Street. The street is fairly calm at this time of day, as most people are getting home from work about now. A few people linger about: a man carrying a plastic bag, a couple holding hands, and a woman walking her dog. Music plays from cars as they pass by, mostly pop or rap. Buses pass, carrying weary commuters back to their families. The sound of the train making its way down the banks of the Hudson River can be heard in the distance. Although Market Street on a Tuesday evening is not particularly thrilling, the Bardavon is one of its biggest contributions to the Poughkeepsie area.

As the oldest operating theatre in New York State, the Bardavon is an institution. Opened in 1869, the venue holds about 950 people and has seen a variety of different acts over the years, from Yo-Yo Ma to The Barenaked Ladies. The inside of the theatre is extremely ornate, with red carpeting on the floors and beautiful Hudson Valley artwork in the main lobby. Backstage, there are signed pictures from previous performing celebrities adorning the walls. The marquee outside shines down on Market Street and tells the people of Poughkeepsie what to expect next from this beautiful theatre.

First up in the next month is the Swiss theatrical group known as Mummenschanz, which will perform on September 22nd. They use no sound or music, but portray their stories through visual art and movement. After a three-year run on Broadway, they are previewing their work in Poughkeepsie before beginning their world tour! The Bardavon is also the home of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic, which will commence its season on October 8th with the concert “HVP: In the Tradition.” The Bardavon will soon be full of life, movement, and music, but for now, it rests quietly on Market Street, eagerly awaiting its future audience.



Skyler Van Valkenburgh
The Groundhog

Senior Communications major at Marist College. Lover of theatre, music, junk food, and all things Poughkeepsie.