Vignettes of Poughkeepsie: Starbucks, Wednesday, February 1, 2:07 p.m.

kimberly schwartz
The Groundhog
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2017
Starbucks Coffee located on 3434 North Road, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Its 2:07 and I am sitting at the bar, peering behind the counter at the Starbucks coffee shop located on 3434 North Road in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. As I settle in here, the smell can be described as sweet. It is a mix between a pot of coffee that takes over an entire kitchen early in the morning and freshly baked muffins. The temperature is warm and comfortable. I am sitting happily in my sweater despite the door to the right of me opening and closing continuously. In the distance on the walls, I see pictures that feature coffee beans, coffee trees, farms and farm workers. The vibe is wholesome and earthy, accompanying the mocha brown ceilings and tan walls. In the background, I hear “ Ill stop the world and melt with you” playing softly out of the speakers, at a volume so low that too much chatter could easily drown out the music.

Three female employees are working. The employee closest is on the register. She has had a clipboard next to her, or in her hands, since I have sat down. This is leading me to think that she is in a position of power in comparison to the other women working at the moment. She looks to be in her mid-thirties, while the two other workers look younger — maybe in their early twenties. The younger baristas have both been smiling and conversing with one another since I have sat down. “Oh you are working right now?” one employee joked to the other as they pass each other while completing their tasks behind the counter. This leads me to believe that her shift began at 2:00 p.m. They both giggle and I am sensing an easy-going and jovial atmosphere behind the counter.

For the last seven minutes, All three employees proceeded to fill coffee containers, check out customers and concoct what ever the customer’s beverage of choice is. Every thirty seconds another screech comes from behind the counter as milk is being frapped and caffeine is being mixed. The conversation between the employees has decreased as they focus mainly on their tasks at hand. It seems as though they are doing their best to get the order to their customers as quickly as possible.

The wave of customers that have entered since I have sat down all look warm. Bundled up with north face jackets, scarves and wearing boots, the men and women are all purchasing hot beverages. From my location it is hard for me to hear the orders, but I have yet to see an iced coffee made. The individuals all look well put together, wearing either business professional clothing or casual every day wear. All of the employees greet and customers with a “sir” or “ma’am.”

I am going to order my own chia tea latte now, since the line has diminished.

