Poughkeepsie Responds to Mascot’s New Name

Marie Atileh
The Groundhog
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017
Frankie the Fox is consoled by a fellow cheerleader after a humiliating defeat by Army

It came as a big surprise when Marist students woke up bleary-eyed on the morning of Nov. 14 to a Poughkeepsie Journal article that announced the college’s decision to change the mascot’s well-known moniker from “Shooter the Fox” to “Frankie the Fox.” The name change as many learned came as a response to the recent mass shootings in Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, with the college officially stating that “We felt this was the right time to make a change: Marist wants its athletics program to be associated with positive experiences and not in any way linked to the incidences of gun violence that have sadly become too common.”

Frankie shows off his newly minted jersey

In explaining why the college chose the name “Frankie,” they stated that “The name ‘Frankie’ was chosen to “honor President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose childhood home and Presidential Library and Museum are in close proximity to our location and whose digital archives the College is proud to host.” Despite the good intentions behind the name change, many felt that there should have been student involvement with picking out the mascot’s new name, while others felt that the name shouldn’t have changed at all.

At a recent men’s basketball game against West Point’s Army team, parents, fans, and local officers voiced their concerns (or lack thereof) regarding the name change. “It’s been the same forever,” said Hopewell Junction resident Russell Palmer. “You’re promoting a violent act, and I think the best thing to do is to change the name,” he reasoned.

Frankie roams the court during half time

Lt. Mike LaTerro of the Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department voiced a similar sentiment as he stood by the stands closest to the nearest exit. “I agree with the name change, but I’m not a big fan of the name itself,” he said. “It’s not like ten years ago when you would hear someone in the crowds yelling ‘shooter, shooter!’ It’s a different connotation today when you hear that name,” he explained. When asked what a good idea for the mascot’s new name would be, he responded, “Champ would be a nice name.”

Frankie and Bill McBrearty are all smiles at the Marist men’s basketball game

Frankie and Bill McBrearty, residents of Rhinebeck and LaGrange respectively, had different thoughts on the name change. “I like the name change, but I also think that it was fine before,” said Frankie McBrearty. “The name connects to basketball,” responded Bill McBrearty. “The mascot was clearly named shooter because you shoot the ball- it’s got nothing to do with an act of violence or hurting people.”

When asked if the name should be changed to something else, Bill McBrearty offered an interesting idea for the mascot’s name change. “What about the name Scorer?” he said. “It’s something that’s related to basketball but at the same time doesn’t promote violence,” he added.

Lt. Bruschelli of the Town of Poughkeepsie summarized a sentiment that was unspoken but generally agreed upon amongst those that did not fall on either side of the debate. “It’s just a name,” he said, throwing his hands up in the air. “I think the name is fine whatever it may be.”

