Christmas Or Xmas

Kimoy Coke
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2016


Christmas Or Xmas

Christmas Or Xmas

Is the tradition of christmas changing or is the way that it is being celebrated, christmas does seem to be the same as when we were younger, it use to be for family and friends, traditions and and just a break from the normality of life to just kick back and relax with the worries of anything except wondering what’s in the presents under the tree, but that seems to be changing without warning and it doesn’t seem like their is anything anyone can do to stop it.

Christmas, when everyone heard that word it use to mean joy and fun for the children at least, remembering from childhood days when you heard the word christmas you knew that it meant eating all day and having fun with your friends then coming home to dinner where you’d see your house decorated with all the different ornaments and lights; However, those weren’t the first thing that caught your eyes because you’d be too focused looking at tree in the middle of the room sparkling lights so bring that it seemed as if you couldn’t look away no matter what like a act in a magician’s show leaving you speechless.

The tree in the room with all the decorations and lights would symbolise what family could do when they have each other the beauty that they could make from an ordinary tree and vision in their mind.

Moreover, families would come from across the country just to spend a few days to celebrate the holidays with their families and friends so families as stated in the article “What Christmas Means To Them” would even go out to their neighbours houses and sing christmas carols just to get the christmas spirit around to make other people happy for everything that they had achieved, parents would be in the living room talking, laughing and drinking while the children would be outside playing or trying to sneak a peek at the presents that were wrapped and hidden, knowing that the presents under the tree way only a decoy they would look in the most particular places ensuring that they would never get seen or caught while they were doing it but after a long day of looking and laughing everyone would come in and sit in the living room and reminisce by watching those old classic cartoons and shows that everyone knows only showed at christmas time, for eg movies like : Rudolph the rednose reindeer, the day the grinch stole christmas, frosty and all the santa clause specials. In those few moments everyone would be enjoying themselves and making jokes, there wouldn’t be any cursing or fighting everyone would for one night forget all their problems and focus on what they had whether it be friends, family or both those were the days that christmas use to mean christmas.

Early the next morning on christmas day there would be screams of expectations and excitement kids throughout the whole community it would be like they were waiting and watching for the sun to come up so they could rip all the coverings from around the presents that they had gotten from santa or more likely dad in a santa suit, there would be singing of christmas carols and drinking of eggnog for all who were there no one would be left out.

For the children the presents would be the best part but for everyone else except the people who knew that they’d be the chef’s for that day, they knew that it was just beginning because it wasn’t dinner time and it would be a hassle because while the children are playing with toys and others are setting the table and watching tv, the chefs knew that they’d be busy all day ensuring that dinner was ready in time and that everyone could get plus more, it would be as if it is the most important meal they would have to prepare from the year had started while watching for the people who always tried to sneak out food before it was ready, that was what christmas was all about family and fun but over the years it seemed as if it has been changed from christmas to xmas.

When talking about xmas it would like talking about people who only looked out for themselves they do what’s best for them and their family if they’re feeling generous, it would be like those people who do things out of guilt instead of happiness, they don’t care what happens only that they feel happy in themselves, going out and partying all day and night stay out with people they don’t know instead of being around their families, it would just be like a regular weekend that lasts for more than two days, being by themselves while everyone is out or if they even spend some time over their families they would be the people who didn’t seem to care what’s going on around them and didn’t care, they’d always get in problem with other family members or friends trying to pick a fight with the slightest chance they get earning they name xmas.

Over the years more and more of these traditions have been slowly decreasing as shown in the article “Celebrating Christmas and the Holidays, Then and Now” it would seems as if the once loved tradition is now being slowly discarded for more and more selfish reasons if any at all, is this really what the future holds for our next generation because, is that really what we want them to grow up to a holiday where you only look out for yourself.

Furthermore, I believe that everyone who celebrate christmas as a religious holiday, casual holiday or just another regular day should aspire to keep the long tradition going in order for both the present and the future generation to come, so that they may know what the holidays is really about, that it isn’t just about what you get but to realise that it is about family and enjoying the season, in closing I think everyone should aspire to make the people around them happy as happy as they want themselves to be because this isn’t about one person, it is for everyone.

