My interest in Video Games

Benjamin Jordan
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2016

For the majority of my younger life I simply lived. I didn’t have any ambition like the kids that were around me. The thought of living past my teenage years never really crossed my mind. It was not until I got my first game that I truly began my life. It was simply Super Mario World on the Gameboy Advance. I thought nothing of it till I started playing. I wasn’t good at all. I missed many jumps and failed most levels for a while, but for some reason I kept trying. Nowadays I can see that it was due to it being one of the only gratifying things at that point. I felt a sense of purpose that I never before had from clearing levels. It was a form of accomplishment that neither school nor family ever gave me, I had always felt unneeded in my household. Later on I would eventually get a console after my parents saw my enjoyment at the simple device. I got to play a game called Metal Gear Solid. It was rated M, but as usual that didn’t stop a child. The box looked interesting and I could afford it. the only incentive that was needed for my child self to find interest in a game. It would be one of the first games to ever make me feel things other than simply “wow I defeated the level/boss”. The writing was a tragic story of unfortunate circumstances that well showcased the truth that there is no definite enemy. Obviously I didn’t quite know how to explain this feeling as a kid, but the seeds of this knowledge were sown. Later I would truly understand these morales and continue to love games as a beautiful art. Not to say that the interest in a challenge was lost, whatever was in my current interests I would do, whether it be puzzle, platforming, or shooters. This would lead to me find friends through likewise interests. Some online and some offline. One great assist in an online game might land you a dependable ally for later sessions. I’ve found my clique in high school because some people happened to be talking about one of my favorite series. I’ve found almost all my friends today just because I happened to be a gamer.

There are many reasons that you could find interest in video games. In the beginning we had the style of challenge based games born from the limitations of early systems. There simply wasn’t enough room to fit a story into early games. It is gaming in its most basic form, but that doesn’t stop it from being a great adventure. Shigeru Miyamoto, The creator of mario once said “Players are artists who create their own reality within the game.” I definitely feel like I’ve made my own art in just finding my own way to take on tougher experiences in games. I still think back to a few playthroughs that make me proud of myself. It feels extremely great to be awake at four in the morning, the sun is coming up, you’re tired, sweaty, and maximum adrenaline within as you see the credits roll. Not everyone can beat some games and it can give you some feel of individuality when you can, it doesn’t feel great to feel easily replaceable (and I know from past experience). It’s not like you are any better of a person just because some people can’t do the things you do, but it gives a sense of purpose to one with doubt of their abilities. It may seem like a shallow attempt at showing off, but sometimes a challenge can be more than that. The ultimate form of this is the advancement of fighting games into an electronic sport. A difficult challenge of a game can be probably be done through abusing the limited intelligence of the A.I., so it is a natural evolution that some people need to show their skills against others and want to learn how to get better. If you want to learn about this through a legend of the sport, read this, a book written by who is written by the current #1 Street Fighter player in the world. It will tell you about his early life and establish how a match is more than just picking viable moves, but also finding a state of mind that keeps you clear and focused.

Later in the console generations we would begin to see the birth of cinematic games showing that games could be an artistic medium rather than challenge based. This would begin with a game called Metal Gear Solid made from the interest of making film out of video games. The director said, “My first concept was for a game in which you were a prisoner of war and simply had to escape. If you were caught, you’d be brought back to the prison. The idea was for a non-combat game”. The voice acting and story still hold up now (even though the graphical side is lacking). If you find the right game nowadays, you will feel like you are the main character and having a real experience. I can still remember a night where I was playing Batman arkham city in a pitch black room. In that experience, the abyss around the screen faded, I forgot I was using a controller, only the sounds of gotham filled my ears, and I was the dark knight for a couple of hours. It was a real trip going to bed after that. I would hope that everyone in the world could get their own form of that experience.

Now for another form of game that is based on being social. These social games would begin back when the first Pokemon games, Red and Blue came out. The main idea of the game was not solely based on the challenges within the game, but also outside. The creator said “The communication aspect of Game Boy — it was a profound image to me. It has a communication cable. In Tetris, its first game, the cable transmitted information about moving blocks. That cable really got me interested. I thought of actual living organisms moving back and forth across the cable.” To catch all of the creatures in the game, you needed help from others because each version had a few exclusive Pokemon. No other game before that actually required outside help (no matter how difficult that last level may have been). Even now we see that concept expanded upon by the promising Pokemon Go app. Because of this app, I started to regularly do walks around my neighborhood and truly see this beautiful town of Mariposa. Later I believe this would influence online games. The most popular now being multiplayer team shooters where I’ve had my fair share of ridiculous moments. A team of people bumbling around trying to be rambo is most likely not going to win against a group of people supporting each other. If you enjoy an online game, you may just find what feels like an unlimited amount of enjoyment. There are many bizarre adventures in gaming to be had from random people all around the world that have no face and no real power over you. Maybe not all of them have been pleasant, but I sure have had an amusing time with people swearing up storms, blasting random music, peculiar background sounds, and the rare nice person.

Now to finally answer the title of this article for those who stuck around to the end. I want to give people a beautiful experience of my own design. I want to become a part of the medium so that I may help those with uneventful or unpleasant lives. Having hit a bunch of bumps in the road of my life, I want to give a meaningful escape from a harsh life to those who aren’t living soundly. Not simply a distraction, but a world where they can comfortably show their true character. That shall be my thanks for these experiences making me the person I am today

