Invention, Discovery and Digital !!!

kannadasan Saminathan
The Guest


Mankind one of the social being seen more evolution in their thinking over the years. Mother nature played a role from big bang days to the present world. Everything are created and the necessary chemical reaction are formed. Food chain and decomposition or whatever needed for life cycle are in place. With necessary evolution cycle in place, mankind started thinking as tribal. Understanding nature brings blossom in their life and those who understand nature became head of tribal and guided them to flourish. Discovery becomes every moment, as nature surprises with challenging climate conditions. A human being is a kind of mutant or defective living being the evolution cycle. Most living beings are born and grow as DNA holds most vital information, they adjusted themselves to survive climate conditions and food cycle. Some of them can live without food or water for a certain period and they did not learn or prepare themselves. when it comes Human being, certain information is DNA and the learning process or thinking is not recorded and it is vital.

Discovery is wealth for early human being and results are food, medicine, fire. Who discovery things are treated genius and they improved the life of human society. Information became wealth and at times strategy to live in the place. Migration is a process of discovery for the people to find a better living place and it helped to find out fertile river beds. Discovery is a common ideology with people at the early stage and trouble started with power within people. The sole purpose of discovery to improve the live hood. Discovery has a pattern in human life, start with making life better in day to day life, medicine, travel and war. Mother nature created in such a way it can be discovered by a living being. Humans naturally got the insight to discover things in a timely manner.

Making the discovered things in saleable form or assembled form is called invention. Ideally, the invention is solutions to solve real-world problems. It may or may not be good for the environment. Humans want their life easy right from food, shelter, transportation and clothing. The modern world is results of invention mankind over the years. The invention has cons as well, invention affected nature badly and dismantled natural life cycle.

Digital is one of modern invention shaped the current world. Starts with storing the information, processing data and holding documents in digital form. Sending information to different geography just in a moment. Helped to communicate between civilians, military and spies. Fact is digital information stored and processed happen to be core part of mother nature. Information of generation are stored in DNA and it indirectly passes learning to a current living being. Humans brain to process data and make the decision. Communication happening between the brain and different part of the body.

So human being never invented anything, only they discovered, understand the mother nature and made useful in regular life. Mother nature created any needed for the living being.

