kannadasan Saminathan
The Guest
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2018


Theory of Evolution, Law of attraction and Free radicals!!

Research proves life started on Earth as a single-cell living organism and it happened in the sea. Water molecules are not a natural part of the earth for millions of years. H20 reached earth because of happening in a bigger part of the universe and ended after while it was the starting of life in earth and creation of ocean. First life might be started with lighting and thunder in the ocean. And another natural event helped to multiply and transformed into a bigger living organism. The first form of a living organism still lives in almost everywhere on the earth and some of life created the current world. Some of the single cells looked for survival and long-living. It started affecting Genes and helped to tune for evolution. It is possible only when there is a right condition in the greater universe, so what will happen now? Does transformation have to wait? Yes, happening in-universe affect earth and water, the foreign particle which became a natural part of this world.

Stable condition in earth and universe helped the transformation of the living organism as a continuous process. There is a challenge, transformation is not time bounded and at times situation or accident triggers the change. The situation brought Survival of fittest and adapting to the physical environment. Living organism gowned or evolution as it wants to be fought each other to survival and sometimes, the challenge comes from different quarter i.e natural disasters. Fittest and need living being survived and transformed.

The major milestone of evolution is Human beings, he can think about millions of years past and plan for the future. Human being further evaluated to make him adaptive and live longer. Humans started as tribal, as a group, they started to make life better every day. As the human population increases, fits every well for survival and fittest end with challenges. Yes, they have to fight with other kingdom or tribal. The transformation started with thinking for a better life and ease doing. Wars ended with winner and looser. Winner continued to go further and looser are absorbed within the winner or destroyed. Some times looser made come back. Most cases, strong winner end with well-planned civilization. Winner, loser and civilization helped to carry the form of life. Early civilization was not able to answer many of happening in the earth like death, life after death and fire a lot more. Law of attraction, every reason of life form was to understand as religion, ideology and science. Religion is the primary medium to answer unknown and it helped mankind as better fitment. The fear factor is important to win the most challenging opponent and religion helped to handle the factor. Someone is worried and he/she might feel the sleepless result in a chemical reaction in the physical body. The fear factor is thinking until someone is attacked or created pain, but factor affects one's daily life and started affecting health.

The modern world, where Religion became less relevant as science/ Ideology answers better with transformation. Religions are created for a different world, it has grown around the kingdom and emperor. Kings believed their children are life form of them but it is not necessary to be the case. Fittest has to live and society of kingdom fails and the business community started growth. Traders are an important part of human transformation, they brought good and idea stuffs to a different part of the world. Traders are the people who want continuous changes, as they want to make money ever in life.

Humans are still left with a lot of unknown and important of them are ageing and death. Very life form started with cell division, to create a new cell and trigger the evolution. So death is an integral part of life form and DNA holds the pattern for growth, it can further tuned with a quality environment and food. With every cell division, helped to tune DNA for survival and in the cell or living being lifetime can affect or change DNA through a lot of factors and one of them is their thinking. You can attract things(Law of attraction) you want and it is a basic need of an evolution, primary character of the first life on earth.

In simple words, a living being can live forever and death bug stops life at some point. Free radicals negative oxygen creates slow death through ageing and it is the design of transformation to start living form in a fresh manner. Evolution wants to create better form life making changes to DNA and Free radicals help to a certain extent keeping living being balanced. Religion and science trying to address the reason for death on the earth. Problem is water the reason for life not a natural part of the earth and it is not possible to find an answer here.

One day, Evolution will transform human being to understand the happening in the greater universe through law of attraction. Death and life are created outside the earth, water is life form and Free radicals. Law of attraction can bring answer for death and it helped transformation of life, from single cell to current world !!! All the invention and discovery are part of evolution ?

