5 Simple Steps to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution

Network Your Way to Success in 2017

On the table
2 min readDec 31, 2016


You know it’s time for some big changes, and you’re committed to making and keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Well, guess what? Nine out of ten people fail. According to one commonly cited statistic, only 8 percent of people actually stick to their resolutions. The initial burst of energy and ambition that motivates us fades after about six weeks, and we fall back on our old routines.

So how to keep up the momentum?

Consider the number one resolution, personal fitness. Gyms enjoy a surge in new memberships around the first of the year, and smoking cessation apps rack up heavy downloads. The problem is that after a few weeks, most people lose focus and give up.

The crucial motivating factor, behavioral scientists have realized, is a support system. An encouraging social environment makes it much easier to hold ourselves and each other accountable for our commitments. That’s one of the reasons that those who buy Fitbits or tap fitness training apps like Strava tend to stay on track — they’re buoyed by a community. A new startup called Omada Health, for example, offers a weight loss program where each participant is paired with a personal health coach and online peer group for daily feedback and constant reinforcement.

Here are five easy steps for greater success with your resolutions:

1) Make a conscious decision about what you want to change.

Example: You want to get out more and meet more people in your industry.

2) Don’t try to change everything — one step at a time! Define your goal and write it down.

Example: You plan to network more and make use of tools to facilitate introductions...

3) Make a plan. Research support tools and commit to one!

Example: Sign up with the GUILD, a new solution to conveniently network and meet like-minded women in 2017.

4) Get a buddy.

Example: Tell your best friend about your plan, and ask her to share hers.

5) Measure success and celebrate. Once a month, check in with your buddy and discuss your achievements.

Example: You started out strong with new connections in January and February, but stalled out in March as life got in the way. Explain what happened and ask for help. Maybe your friend will join you at a GUILD networking event and toast your dedication with a glass of champagne!

New Year’s resolutions are worth it, if you set achievable goals. Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Follow the steps above, and be brave by sharing your goals in the comments section of this post. Then, like and share with your support network.

Happy New Year!



On the table

A face-to-face networking platform for women. We make the introduction so you can focus on building the connection. #getguilded at www.letsguild.com