GUILD Academy — A Truly Unique Online Course for Entrepreneurs

Create your dream business — the world needs your ideas!

Anne Cocquyt
On the table
5 min readApr 13, 2020


When I set out with my team to create a truly unique online program for aspiring and early stage female entrepreneurs that would make a real change in women’s lives and in the male-dominated entrepreneurial ecosystem, I looked at a lot of online and offline programs to understand what’s working and what is not working for the participants.

It’s astounding to see so many low-touch online programs that promise you 6- or 7-figure businesses with some checklists and online materials. They usually give away some freebie by asking for your email address and then send you a myriad of emails to convert you to a high ticket customer — think $3-$10k for a coaching program or online course.

While the marketing is awesome and even I get sometimes carried away thinking, “Oh, I need to sign up or download this resource”, the truth is: While you can copy paste swipe files from “experts” and spice up 🌶 your social media posts 🔥, at the end of the day, you need a unique mix of blueprints, workbooks, resource lists AND a group of people that root for you and hold you accountable.

Throw in tailored 1:1 coaching, access to a group of world experts (not any single one expert will teach you everything you need to know about entrepreneurship) and you end up with a mix of ingredients that do in fact create a secret sauce to change the odds for female entrepreneurs.

In the GUILD academy 12-week online program you have access to highly curated resources put together by startup veterans, bite-sized video content and proven methodologies and tools, but what truly differentiates this “mini-MBA for entrepreneurs” is the will to persevere, and the community you will start to feel part of as well as the 1:1 access to experts that can nudge you in the right direction when we’re getting lost when validating your idea, conducting user interviews, creating wireframes, when you go overboard with content on our website, when you scratch your head wondering about pricing strategy, financial forecasts, go to market, business model and funding options.

That’s what we built — a unique program that takes you from idea to launch in 12-weeks and teaches ambitious female entrepreneurs a crash course in building a business that’s sustainable and beats all odds.

Our first cohort of 25 entrepreneurs graduated in April 2020

Reactions from the first cohort of entrepreneurs:

“As someone with no experience in business or entrepreneurship, the academy has been the blueprint I needed to make my idea a reality. It provided the exact steps and the right resources for me to launch my MVP and get the first paying customers. Anne & her team did a phenomenal job with the content, and choosing the right experts. They supported us every step of the way, answering questions, providing perks, webinars, resources, basically anything we needed. The 1:1 sessions with Anne were invaluable to get the feedback I needed on my pitch and progress. I’ll definitely refer back to the learnings from the academy often as I progress with my business. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Thank you GUILD academy!”

“I absolutely love the GUILD Academy materials (packed with nuggets of wisdom) and the guest speakers are super helpful. This journey is amazing, I learned so much. It challenges me in so many ways, nudging me to be courageous, and yes, the journey is indeed the reward!”

“Terrific resources, tools, and weekly challenges that push me to take actual steps and help me to get closer to my dream. Plus the opportunity to ask questions and receive support anytime :-)”

“I feel prepared every time I walk into a business meeting (for my startup) and without a doubt in my mind the GUILD Academy helped me feel that way.”

“This was the most useful session on pitches. I learned a lot just by listening to the investor’s feedback”

“This week was so incredibly helpful in helping me realize exactly what I need to focus on both now and later down the line in my business model! It is awesome to see everything coming together so cohesively as we move forward in the program!”

This program is not for you if you think that building a business is as easy as copy pasting and selling hundreds of thousands of dollars worth or goods or services.

The program is for you if you have a dream, a big idea, a vision and the will to learn, to persevere and dig deep into your motivations, your strengths and weaknesses and it certainly is for you if you know that you have a lot to learn and are willing to listen and apply the learnings.

Entrepreneurship is all about being nimble, it’s about enduring a high level or pain during phases of your business, it’s about understanding quickly when we are wrong and making quick decisions to change course.

It’s not an easy journey. Otherwise we would all be building 7 figure businesses, wouldn’t we!?

But it’s one of the most enjoyable journeys of your career. No doubt you will learn more than in your past careers and it can be incredibly rewarding.

Having built businesses and startups for the last 10 years and having failed and succeeded, I know that your community and network are your most valuable assets and the mentorship and advice of those who have done it and been there.

That’s why the GUILD academy is centered around the global GUILD community, a team of experts that guide you, professors, serial entrepreneurs, and investors alike are teaching you their most valuable lessons of entrepreneurship. It gives you unique access to some of the best experts and to each other.

Why!? Because we need more amazing ideas to see the light and I personally wish you all to experience what it feels like to make your dream a reality and solve a real problem for your customers.

Applications to our next cohort are closing this week.

Make 2020 count. Now more than ever we need motivation and purpose to live up to our potential and create change and innovation in this strange new world.

Apply today and secure your ticket to the world’s first global 100% online, flexible online program for female entrepreneurs with a team of world experts in entrepreneurship.


