February 4th, 2019

Zoie Konneker
3 min readFeb 4, 2019


If you stumbled upon this publication and want to know the basics about our organization, browse our website to learn about our past events, what we do, and who we are.

Design by Jason Yang

One month into the new year and the HackGT team is hard at work! Our fearless leaders Ehsan and Ellie and the exec team have been chipping away at our plans for all of our 2019 events. Coming up this Spring, we have BuildGT (Saturday, March 2nd), Catalyst 3 (Saturday, April 13th), and a HackGT workshop series!

A new development that we’re especially excited for is our brand new event!

*drum roll*

Well… it isn’t named yet, per se, but we’ll describe it here. At HackGT, we’ve been working hard to be more inclusive with our events and activities. The idea of this latest event was born out of our determination to involve all of Georgia Tech on our journey. Three weeks ago, our team hosted a “hackathon hackathon” where our team members worked in small groups to brainstorm ideas for a brand new, never before seen event that we could put on for the folks at GT.

Two of our small groups came up with a groundbreaking idea. Not much of the world we live in is strictly black and white, and great minds tend to gravitate toward the grey area anyway. So why not add some color and have a hackathon that adds the creative arts into computer science?

Get hype, Ivan Allen, Design, CM, and any other majors interested in the arts! We’ve got an event that we think you’re going to love!

This ARTS AND SCIENCE event will take place this Spring and will be specially engineered (ha!) by a group of students across all different backgrounds. We’re hoping that this event will be just as much of a success as our other previous ones!

Two weekends ago, we helped The Garage, our generous host for most of our weekly meetings, host the Collegiate Cup! “What is that?” you ask. The Collegiate Cup is a yearly event focused on utilizing technology and computation to improve the welfare and livelihood of all Georgians. Each year, students from any Georgia college or university attend to solve problems that the coordinators have challenged them with. Here’s an excerpt from the Collegiate Cup website describing their 2019 event’s goal.

“Teams competing in the Collegiate Cup will generate actionable ideas to improve the quality of life for all Georgians by building on the state’s strengths. This year, the focus is to increase access to computational education for all communities across the state of Georgia.”

At our most recent meeting, all of our event committees and organization teams got together to discuss the specifics of all of our upcoming events. We can’t spoil anything for you, but we gotta tell you… amazing things are on the horizon!

Our NEXT event is HackGT Throwback Week, a HackGT workshop, taking place this week, February 4th — 7th. According to returning organizers, the event is sort of a “best-of” past HackGT workshops. Check out our social media for updates! We can’t wait to see you there.

Interested in attending or getting involved with any of our upcoming events? Visit our website to check out the latest on HackGT and find out more about some of our other opportunities.

Happy hacking!


