Welcome to HappyCoin!

Happy Donations
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2021

If there’s something you’ve heard ad nauseum over the past year it’s that this has been an extraordinarily difficult time for everyone. From your closest friends to corporate sponsors, it’s been hammered home the harsh reality that while isolation has led some to finding their identities, it’s left others to combat their personal struggles without the support of community.

While these battles have multiplied rapidly with the pandemic breaking our collective sense of security, mental health is by no means a new issue and one that doesn’t have a complete solution. It is a part of the human condition, and one that we don’t spend enough time addressing with the World Health Organization declaring in October of 2019 (i.e. right before this all started) that “mental, neurological and substance use disorders make up 10% of the global burden of disease and 30% of non-fatal disease burden.”

Within that same research, WHO notes that the global economy stands to lose “$1 trillion per year in productivity due to depression and anxiety.” This is a tremendous waste of human capital, representing 50% of the entire cryptocurrency market cap in one year alone.

While this recent bull run has sparked a cause for celebration in the midst of the closing stages of the global lockdown, there is still so much work to be done to undo the aftershock and restore both peace of mind and productivity as we band together once again to ride down the storm.

This is why we take great pride in bringing you HappyCoin, an opportunity to transform our work as day traders into more than moving capital from place to place providing businesses the funds they need to build their project. With HappyCoin, our buys and sells will go to generating revenue for charitable mental health organizations to deliver on their mission.

That’s right, every Friday, HappyCoin will be selecting a mental health organization, whether it’s offering direct support or driving research, and donating the taxes from our charity wallet to keep a steady stream of funds going where they’re most needed.

With all the massive success of our first week, we have already donated $20,000 to Experience Camps which we will continue to highlight as we expect our community to rally around this charity once again. Providing supportive experiences for grieving children who have lost parents or other loved ones to come together, Experience Camps were very grateful for the donation, even participating in a livestream on Twitch of the funds being sent so the community could see their wonderful reactions.

As both one of the first and now one of the leading charity tokens on Binance Smart Chain, we expect to continue providing these amazing experiences and helping these organizations make a difference. While we are currently focused on partnering with organizations that are already set up to receive cryptocurrency donations, we have already started helping some major foundations begin the process of creating their first wallet and will have a lot to announce in coming weeks.

Once we have a long list of partners, we will be devising an accountable system by which we’ll allow our community to decide upon where the money goes on a weekly basis. Stay tuned, as we’re really excited to be able to provide this level of control to everyone involved and bring decentralization to charitable giving.

$HAPPY is making things happen but remember, while we all want to do great things in this space, be sure to invest responsibly, and only put in what you can afford to lose. While gamifying fundraising can be fun and exciting, the market is still early and volatile so trust that what goes up, likely comes down, and, similarly, what goes down, likely comes up. Keep your emotions close to the vest and do your due diligence, the last thing we want is to create any more hard feelings in the cryptocurrency space.

But if you have it to spare, this is going to be one of your best bets to both make yourself a personal fortune and help those less fortunate.

