​​10 Free Self-Care Activities:

Riley Rehl
The Herald
Published in
5 min readFeb 27, 2022

By Riley Rehl




  1. the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.

It’s important to take care of your well-being, but sometimes what we think of as self-care is getting your nails or hair done, going out to eat, etc. Things that typically cost money. However, you don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to relax and take care of yourself.

Here are 10 free ways any college student can practice self-care!

1. Read a Book

It doesn’t matter what genre of book, just read what you enjoy! Self-help, romance, sci-if, and fantasy all have a place. Reading for your own pleasure doesn’t have any rules. You can find a book you enjoy and read it at your own pace. There’s no pressure, like there is for school reading, just enjoy the story.

2. Journal

I love looking on Pinterest for lists of questions to answer. It’s a great way to explore your thoughts and outlook on life! Journal prompts and questions allow for deep thinking, reflection and self-development. Here are a few examples:

  • What family member do you wish you could get to know on a deeper level?
  • If you could live anywhere, where would you live and what would your life look like?
  • What do you wish you could forget?
  • Is your personality similar to that of your parents?
  • What day do you want to relive over and over again? Describe in detail.
  • Describe your type?
  • What impression do you think you give when you first meet someone?
  • What do you admire most about yourself?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • What is your biggest strength?

3. Move Your Body

Whether it’s a walk or an intense workout, take time each day to move your body. Find something you enjoy doing! I don’t love running so I don’t do it very often, but I do enjoy weight training, yoga, and martial arts, so I make those part of my weekly workout routine. I highly recommend checking out Les Mills if you want to start working out more. It has tons of amazing workouts of all different types taught by amazing instructors that all have Australian accents. What’s not to love?

4. Eat Nutritious Foods

Use the food at your disposal to try new recipes! Your body will be energized and your mind will be sharper if you eat foods that serve you. When it comes to food (and basically every other topic if we’re being honest), Pinterest is your best friend. I have a board with organized sections that I’ll link here so you can get some inspiration for yummy and easy recipes. I love all kinds of food, so there are lots of options!

5. Meditate

I love stretching and doing yoga. At the end of each of my yoga workouts there is a 10 minute section of relaxation and meditation. This is a time to relax and focus on breathing. It helps you focus, relax, and breathe. It may seem silly, but it’s a great way to recenter! Try this 10 min meditation here!

6. Hydrate

Drink more water. You’ve heard this a million times because it’s so important. I’ve been doing the 75 hard challenge, and as a part of it, I have to drink one gallon of water a day. Let me just say, it has been so good for me. Healthline says drinking water can help “maximize physical performance, prevent and treat headaches, aid in weight loss, and relieve constipation.” All great things. Getting a large water bottle can help you drink more water during the day. I recommend getting a Stanley cup because you only have to drink 3 of them in order to hit a gallon.

7. Declutter / Clean Your Space

Turn on a throwback playlist, tie up your hair, roll up your sleeves, and start that cleaning project you’ve been putting off for too long. Clean out your overflowing closet, organize your desk, take out the trash, and maybe even run a vacuum through your room, if you’re feeling crazy. You know what they say…a clean space = a clear mind.

8. Prioritize Your Sleep

No college student wants to hear this, but sometimes you have to skip going out with friends to get a good night’s sleep. Sleeping for 4 hours a night is not enough — 7–8 hours is crucial for your mental and physical health. Setting a reminder on your phone that reminds you it’s bedtime is a great way to start getting in the habit of going to sleep sooner.

9. Make a New Playlist

Get creative with music! Compile a moving playlist with a curated order and vibe. Listen to it while you shower/bathe, while you’re on a drive, while you’re cooking or cleaning, or getting ready for the day.

10. Find a Hobby

Learn to bake, sew, play an instrument, or paint. Having hobbies will enrich your life and help you improve yourself while also connecting with others. I love cooking and baking! Being in the kitchen is something that brings me a lot of joy. I also enjoy painting and drawing. Anything creative is right up my ally! Taking time to improve my skills and have hobbies helps me stay balanced and not get overwhelmed. It also is a great way to improve myself in a fun and rewarding way.

I hope implementing these tips can help you use your time with yourself in a meaningful way!

