Finals Pet Peeves

By Hailey Paige

Hailey Paige
The Herald
2 min readApr 23, 2024


Courtesy of Flickr

I don’t think there is anybody that likes finals, but it does mean the class is over. For some though, the final test could be a deciding factor if they pass or fail the class. Some professors give super light and easy finals like a 4 question quiz or no final at all. I personally love those professors because it’s one less exam to worry about; however, not all professors are like that. The Herald put up a poll to see the pet peeves of what teachers do during finals week and here are some of the responses:

Not giving a study guide until the day before the test or at all or nothing on the test was on the study guide.

I love a good study guide and I’d rather have one from a teacher than make my own. Honestly, I’d probably just wing it and then be the one to bomb the test.

The test is on paper.

Professors still give those out? Save the trees.

You can’t leave until everyone is done with the test.

We’re not in highschool anymore, I don’t think I should have to wait for everyone else to finish if i’m done in 30 minutes.

Having a final paper and a written final. What’s the point? THERE IS NONE.

I have to agree, there is absolutely NO POINT. There is only so much you can write about.

“It’s due the week before finals so you can have finals week to focus on your other classes” Is the opposite of helpful.

As a teacher, if you would like to stress your students out the last few weeks of class do this!

Final exams are probably the most stressful time for college students. Getting in any past due work and trying to cram for as many of your exams as possible is not an easy thing to do. After reading these submissions, I hope none of you have to deal with these for finals week.

