Fun Yard Games: BV Style

By Nicholas Craft

Nicholas Craft
The Herald
7 min readMar 8, 2024


Summer is around the corner and I know I can’t wait to be outside again doing the things I love. Since spring is closer and it’s warm enough, here are some fun games to play outside with your friends:


(Cornhole, Photo Courtesy of Atlantic Station)

Game Setup:

First, you have to find a nice flat area on the ground. Next, you will need to set up the two boards facing each other 27 feet apart. The game cornhole can be played with 2 or 4 players. If the game is being played with 4 people, you and your partner will be on opposite sides diagonally from each other. Same for both teams. If the game is being played with 2 people you and your opponent will start on opposite sides of the same board and then after throwing the bags walk directly across to the other side and repeat. Each team will have 4 bags (8 in total).

Game Play:

You have to decide who is going to throw the bag first. After deciding who is going to throw first, then take turns throwing the bag with your opponent. You will throw one bag and then your opponent, then you, etc. Before throwing your bags you will need to understand that your feet can NOT go past the front of the cornhole boards. Next, when throwing the bag the main goal is to get it in the hole which is 3 points or on the board itself which is 1 point. The bag itself can NOT hit the ground and then roll onto the board. If that does happen, remove the bag that bounced off the ground onto the board. It does not count. If a bag is thrown and lands on the front edge of the board, pick up the front without touching the bag and if it falls on the ground it doesn’t count. After all 8 bags are thrown, add up the score. The team with the most points that round will get to throw first in the next round.

Scoring and Winning:

After you and your opponent have thrown all 8 bags, your teammate on the opposite end will add up your score of the 4 bags that you have thrown. Say if team #1 threw 1 bag into the hole and the other 3 bags landed on the board. Team #2 threw the same thing, 1 bag into the hole and the other 3 on the board. They would cancel each other out (meaning no one scored any points). But say if Team #1 threw 2 bags into the hole and 2 on the board and team #2 threw 1 bag in the hole and the other 3 bags on the board then you would count how many bags are on the board in total for each team (in this case Team #1,2 bags, and Team #2, 3 bags) and cancel them out so Team #2 has 1 bag left which equals 1 point. Now you do the same for the bags in the hole as well. Team #1 (2 bags) and Team #2 (1 bag) and cancel them out so Team #1 has 1 bag left in the hole that equals 3 points. Finally take the points on the board and in the hole, in this case Team #2 has 1 bag on the board left which equals to 1 point and team #1 has 1 bag left in the hole which equals 3 points (3 minus 1). Team #1 scored 2 points that round and gets to throw first in the up-coming round. The first team to 21 points wins.

Cup Pong

(Cup Pong, Photo Courtesy of

Game Setup:

First, you will need 20 cups. 2 table tennis balls, and a table (the longer the better). Place ten cups in a pyramid shape and align the tip of the pyramid to the center of the table. Next, you will need to fill each cup about a quarter of the way full water (or choice beverage).

Game Play:

Cup Pong is normally played with 2 teams and 2 players of each team. You will start the game by playing “Eye” to see which team will get to throw the balls first. To play Eye, 1 person from each team looks the opponent in the eye and says “Eye to Eye” and then throws at the same time. Whoever makes the cup first can start the first round. You and your partner will try and throw the ball, making it into the opponent’s cup. If a cup is made, the balls must be taken out immediately and it must be drunk after both balls have been thrown. The team who makes all of the opponents cups first wins.


(Elbow Rule)

When throwing, the person who is throwing the ball must keep their elbow behind the table. If the person’s elbow does cross the table, then the shot does not count and the other team gets the ball.

(Balls back)

If both members from the same team throw and make a cup, the team receives the balls back and are allowed to throw again. The cups made previously are removed before the second throw


(Die, Photo Courtesy of Cabin Guy)

Game Setup:

First, you will need to find a flat area on the grass. Next, you will need a table (8x4ft). Then, you will need 2 standard dice. Finally, you will need 4 cups that are filled a quarter full with water (or your choice of beverage).

Game Play:

Die is normally played with 2 teams and 2 players of each team. You will need to place a cup on all four corners of the table. You and your partner will be on the same side of the table on a corner. To know who is going to throw first just play Rock, Paper, Scissors and the winner of that gets to throw first. The game is the first to 11 points. All tosses will be thrown underhand and it must reach a minimum of 6 feet in the air before landing on the table. Your team can only throw one die at a time. The tossed must alert the other team before throwing by shouting “DYE UP”. The goal of the tosser is to try and make it into the opponent’s cup or hitting the table past the halfway point and letting the die bounce off the table hoping the other team doesn’t catch it with one hand. The goal of the defender is to catch the die after rolling or bouncing off the table with one hand before it hits the ground. If a point is scored the opponents take a sip of their drink. If a die is made into the cup, the opponent has to chug or finish their drink.


1 point is given when a player throws the die in the air and the point of contact is the opponent’s side of the table, before falling to the ground. 2 points are given when the die comes in contact with the opponent’s cup before falling to the ground. 3 points are given when the die lands inside the opponent’s cup.

Stump Game

(Stump Game, Photo Courtesy of Punch Drink)

Game Setup:

You will need a large stump or a log with a flat top and bottom. Next, You will need a hammer with grip on it. Finally you will need about 20 3” to 5” inch nails (Depending on how many people are playing).

Game Play:

You need to find a flat area on grass. Each person gets 1 nail tapped into the log just enough to where it won’t fall over when struck by another opponent. Then, everyone who is playing will stand in a circle around the stump ready to play . Finally, the person who is up first will toss up the hammer (just high enough to where the hammer will rotate in the air and you can catch the handle). As soon as you catch the hammer your goal is to try and hit an opponent’s nail in the stump. Hit or miss you give the hammer to the next person and they go (rotate clockwise). If you toss up the hammer and drop it, you automatically give it to the next person. The main objective is to be the last person standing. Each person gets to swing once every round. If your nail is hit you take a sip of your drink. If you drop the hammer you take a sip of your drink. If your nail goes fully into the stump, you chug or finish your drink.


Don’t hit anyone or yourself with the hammer!

Overall, these are the games for the Spring season and any of these games are a great way to spend some quality time with your friends.

