Going Green: Differences You Can Make as a College Student

By Richie Johnson

Richard Johnson
The Herald
2 min readApr 3, 2024


It feels like everyday you see on the news something about climate change and how it is our job, as young adults, to fix it. Here at Southern Virginia, students across campus can practice being environmentally conscious. Shaping a greener future one step at a time shows our university’s commitment to sustainability.

(Go green,https://www.picpedia.org/highway-signs/g/go-green.html)

Carpooling and walking stand out as actions with significant impact. All around campus we can see the limited parking and crowded streets. Carpooling not only opens up some parking spots but also reduces carbon emissions. It also is a great opportunity to make connections among peers.

Reusable garbage bags can be a small change with a big impact. Using single-use plastics only adds to landfill contributions. The plastic bags do not biodegrade. They also don’t look nearly as fashionable as a reusable bag. Through simple yet effective measures like this, we can demonstrate as a school our commitment to preserving the planet for future generations.

(Waterfall, Richie Johnson)

Beyond personal habits, group service projects are an engaging way that we can participate in environmental conservation. Whether it’s cleaning up local parks or planting trees, our efforts go beyond campus boundaries. Taking tangible steps to protect and nurture the environment shows that students are, quite literally, planting seeds to make a positive change.

Water conservation is also a large part of sustainability. Two major offenders for college students are using plastic water bottles and taking frequent long showers. Adopting practices such as using Brita filters and limiting shower durations will conserve resources and promote responsible water usage. Being conscious of water usage and making small adjustments in daily routines will positively impact our community and global water conservation efforts.

(Water wise,https://www.tampabaywater.org/conservation/tampa-bay-water-wise/)

The green movement is gaining momentum. We as young college students have a lot of influence since we are the ones on social media and have a voice to make change. Through collective actions, we can shape a more sustainable future and inspire, invite, and encourage others to join the journey towards environmental change. Every individual effort, no matter how small, contributes to a healthier planet for all.

