Mini Fridge Food Review

By Malia Hickman

Malia Hickman
The Herald
3 min readApr 11, 2024


In courtesy of Pixabay

One staple in everyone’s dorm is a mini fridge. It’s there to keep your food, drinks, and other necessities cold or away from roommates. It’s by your side when you wake up till you sleep. My mini fridge is combined with foods, drinks, and other random items. Let’s get to rating the best food for your mini fridge!

Starting off strong I have Nosa yogurt. I give it a solid 8/10. It’s pretty delicious and light. One of the best snacks for breakfast or even on the go. I have three different flavors: lemon, blackberry, and strawberry. All amazing and delicious, can’t go wrong with any flavor from Nosa.

Our next contestant: Costco bagels. The rating is a solid 5/10. There is nothing special or particularly negative about these bagels. They’re just your average bagel. Kinda hard and not very soft on the inside. They’re nothing compared to Bodo’s Bagels. However, since they are from Costco, they are pretty decent for a store brand.

In Courtesy of Malia Hickman

Leftover soup from Chick-fil-A. I don’t think I’ll eat this again so 1/10. I told myself I would finish it but I’m not a big fan of their chicken tortilla soup. After it marinates for five minutes, it looks rather disgusting. If you can’t eat the soup fast, I wouldn’t recommend it. If you’re getting soup, just buy from Walmart and not from a fast food place.

Body Armor, with a rating of 7/10. They’re pretty solid. I’ve had no complaints about any flavor from Body Armor — it’s the best sports drink on the market. Tastes very smooth and doesn’t leave my mouth dry like Gatorade or Powerade. I love the blue raspberry flavor, making the rating go up from a six to a seven.

Chick-fil-A sauce, 4/10. I think having the Chick-fil-A sauce after a while makes the sauce bland and not very appealing. It’s not like the Sweet & Sour sauce from McDonald’s where I can eat my nuggets with Sweet & Sour and never get sick of it, whereas Chick-fil-A’s becomes kinda boring after a while and so does the chicken there as well.

Another contestant: Trader Joe’s sour cream with a 5/10. Sour cream is a condiment. There’s nothing special or much more to say. It makes certain dishes taste better I could never eat it alone but along with something else like chili or quesadillas. It’s a forgettable item in my fridge but still quite good when put together with other dishes.

Philadelphia original cream cheese: 6/10. Bagels and cream cheese are essentials in my life. They make my mornings worth going to class. Similar to sour cream, it’s a condiment so it’s a bit odd to eat by itself, but put together with other foods it’s amazing. Worth buying if you like bagels.

My fridge lacks a lot of food at the moment. I should really get some milk or salads in my fridge something to make me feel healthy, but I don’t. These are my fridge staples. They work with me even when I’m broke. Let me know what you have in your fridge! Are there staples in your fridge that are worth mentioning in the comments below?

