Missing Mirrors and Broken Tiles: The State of SVU’s Women’s Bathrooms

By Sidney White

Sidney White
The Herald
4 min readMar 9, 2024


Women’s bathrooms on campus. They are much more than a necessity. For many women, the bathroom is a sanctuary. One where we can catch a breath in between classes, fix our hair, and ensure our makeup is in the right place. Mostly to do our business, though.

So, what is up with the women’s bathrooms at SVU? If you are one of the lucky few who are unaware of the chaotic state of the women’s facilities, whether it be because you are a male or have a valid fear of public restrooms, then let me walk you through the horrors many of us students experience daily:

The Academic Center First-Floor Bathroom: No Mirrors, Plenty of Onlookers

Ever walked into a bathroom only to find your reflection is ghosting you? Yeah, that’s the vibe here. What happened to the mirror? One day, it was there; the next, it was just gone.

Also, why is there a big, open window looking into this private space? It’s like a live feed for unsuspecting passersby to witness your hand-washing prowess.

Overall, the bathroom gives bad vibes, and I am not the only one who feels this way. One student mentioned that this bathroom reminded them of a sketchy gas station restroom because of the chipped paint and the constant noise from the AC unit and the adjacent classroom.

The first-floor women’s bathroom in the Academic Center needs some upgrades ASAP (Or at least a mirror)!

Library Basement Bathroom: Too Tall for Your Stall

The second bathroom on this list is the one in the library basement. First off, what is up with the stall height? I am barely 5’6, and my eyeline is a whole head above the height of the stalls. The stall walls are more like suggestions than actual barriers. Now, you might be thinking, why don’t you go to a different bathroom?

Listen, if I’m grinding on my homework in the library and need to go, I’m not going to walk outside into whatever weather Virginia is throwing at us that day to go to another building. I’m not going to mess up my focus just to do my business. Let’s not forget about the lack of windows, because nothing screams comfort like feeling trapped in a fluorescent-lit dungeon.

Main Hall Third-Floor Bathroom: Tile Shards and Sharpies

Saving the absolute worst for last. We need to talk about the women’s bathroom on the third floor of Main Hall. This bathroom is an actual nightmare come to life.

There are oddly placed windows and random showers, and the stalls have been numbered with a Sharpie. Most of this bathroom’s characteristics can be blamed on the age of the building, but the design choices are as questionable as a blindfolded game of darts.

There is, of course, the more hazardous issue that makes this bathroom the worst of them all: the broken tiles.

I understand that our campus is old and we shouldn’t expect everything to be perfectly maintained, but can we please do something about the tile shards on the floor? The floor is littered with broken tiles waiting to ambush unsuspecting toes. It’s like playing Minesweeper, but with your feet.

I talked to a student (who wishes to stay anonymous) about her experience with this bathroom.

This student said, “I accidentally stepped on a broken tile and it stuck through my shoe. I wish the tile went all the way through my shoe so I could’ve sued.”

With all this in mind, it’s clear that updating these bathrooms is essential. Despite the age of the buildings, addressing these hazards is a priority and is crucial for student safety and comfort. Simple adjustments like bringing back mirrors, covering windows, raising stall walls, and fixing broken tiles are needed. A fresh coat of paint wouldn’t hurt either.

These changes would not only make me feel safer and more comfortable, but also show the university’s dedication to student well-being and dignity.

