Navigating Midterms and Beyond: Tips for Success

By Richie Johnson

Richard Johnson
The Herald
2 min readMar 5, 2024


Midterms — A word that strikes fear in the hearts of all students. We are now into week 8 of 15 into our spring semester, which means midterms are almost upon us. Tackling midterms can become a manageable feat. Here are some effective strategies to help you prepare:

1. Stay ahead in school. It’s easy to get behind in your classes but if you stay up to date or even get ahead you will be more prepared to take on your classes. In this case, prevention is better than seeking a cure later on. Proactively staying up to date with coursework not only alleviates last-minute cramming but also enables students to have a deeper understanding of the material.

2. Use office hours and set study times for yourself. Use the resources that are given to you. If you have a free hour between classes, stay on campus and get work done or study a task you struggle with. This is a helpful time management tool that will help you nail your midterms. Whether it’s reviewing notes, completing practice problems, or seeking clarification from professors, these moments are valuable.

3. Have someone hold you accountable. Have friends or teammates make sure you take advantage of your resources. Join study groups or enlist the help of classmates to collectively prepare for midterms. Being in an environment, like a study group, that’s outside of your house can motivate you to get your work done.

Getting ahead and staying ahead, using resources like office hours and study groups, and holding yourself and others accountable will set you up for success and put you in the best position possible to pass your midterms.

