Southern Virginia Style: “Misplaced English Professor”

Greyson Gurley
The Herald
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2019

By Greyson Gurley

While observing the crowds exiting Friday’s weekly forum, I noticed a particular stylish character. Jon Mikovits, a sophomore here at Southern Virginia, is not only an English major and aspiring professor but quite the sartorial aficionado. When asked what he was wearing, Mikovtis gave me a full rundown, from his glasses to his socks. Pictured below, Jon is wearing an emerald green microdot button-up layered with a sensible blazer and paired with fitted faux tweed trousers reminiscent of an English gentleman. In fact, without hearing Jon’s American accent with a tinge of Chesapeake, one would think he had just stepped away from a manor, minus the entourage of hunting dogs.

Jon Mikovits/Courtesy of Greyson Gurley

Holding up his trousers is a sensible black leather belt that naturally matches his black suede shoes. However, do not let this put you off from Jon’s style — it is not all fuss. Upon further investigation, it is clear that Jon gravitates to accessories to liven his get-up. The small little details become more and more apparent as he points them out.

Mikovits’s socks./Greyson Gurley

First, a green rose lapel pin that matches the current emerald scheme he is projecting. Graphic socks peek out from the bottom of his pant leg, showing a disgruntled sailor. I notice a unique beaded bracelet: beads made out of wood on a flaxen cord tied around his wrist several times. He tells me that they are Buddhist prayer beads from his mission in Singapore. They are not only a statement piece but a reminder to him of his spirituality.

The beaded prayer bracelet is not the only jewelry with significance. His wedding ring is made out of antler material with a gold foil inlay. When questioned why he defied conventional standards regarding marital jewelry, he answered that he and his wife did not want to spend too much money on a ring and looked for other alternatives. His ring has a neat and proper aesthetic that is preceded by his ensemble. Jon’s glasses are nautical style with a tortoise-shell shape and pattern. They call to mind a quirky professor, which is exactly Jon’s style inspiration. Jon’s personal style in his own words is this: “misplaced English professor.” It is apparent that Jon has this down to a science.

Mikovits’s prayer beads and wedding band./Greyson Gurley

However, while it seems that Jon has it all together in terms of clothing, he admits that this pursuit of higher attire did not occur until well into high school. As a high school senior, Jon attended an indie concert where he had his style epiphany. The band members were wearing unique garments that corresponded with their own personalities and did not adhere to current trends. Jon indulged me in his epiphany: you can express a lot of who you are through your apparel. Jon gained a lot of confidence after that concert experience and now lets his personality be on display through his quirky garb on Southern Virginia’s campus.

