SVU Campus Bathroom Reviews

By Jetty Huish

Jetty Huish
The Herald
3 min readNov 2, 2023


You’ve hit the fifth hour of studying. Your day’s been a marathon of mind-numbing lectures, and to top it off, the air conditioning in one of the classrooms went on vacation, leaving you sweaty and uncomfortable. But most importantly, you’re on a quest for a bathroom, and you’ve been holding it hostage for a solid 45 minutes. So, where do you turn to in your time of need? This article is your trusty SVU campus bathroom guide, to hopefully help you find your “go to” restroom.

Bathroom #1: The Gym (Stoddard Center)

Stoddard Center Bathroom

Alright, let’s dive into the first contender; the gym bathroom. It’s a bit of a wildcard, depending on your preferences. On the plus side, there’s only one toilet and sink here, so you can enjoy that private bathroom experience if you’re into that. But beware, if it’s a bathroom emergency, this might not be your saving grace. You could end up waiting even longer if it’s occupied when you arrive. Plus, let’s be honest, the Stoddard bathroom has a certain “backroom” energy to it, complete with a fair amount of cosmetic battle scars. In short, it’s great for privacy but not the spot for a bathroom sprint.

Bathroom #2: Round Table

Round Table Bathroom

Next up, we have the Round Table bathroom, the middle-ground choice. It’s your run-of-the-mill campus bathroom with two decent stalls, mercifully high enough to protect your modesty. Yes, it might have a quirky smell, but hey, it’s a bathroom — what did you expect? For it to smell like the cologne section at Macy’s? The atmosphere here? Well, imagine an interrogation room: the LED lights overhead flicker and give off a vibe that says, “I could go dark at any moment, but I won’t.” The saving grace is the location — right smack in the middle of the action, between the Main Hall, the dining area, and the Kimball building. Think of it as the McDonald’s of bathrooms — not the fanciest, but always there when you need it.

Bathroom #3: Main Hall, Bottom Floor

Main Hall Bathroom (bottom floor)

Now, here comes the heavyweight champ of our bathroom showdown — the Main Hall bathroom. It’s the Rolls-Royce of campus restrooms — luxurious, clean, and easy on the eyes. Good lighting, high stalls that shield you from prying eyes, and proper ventilation. It’s the complete package. However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks. The men’s restroom is located dangerously close to the building’s entrance, which means a lot of foot traffic right outside the door. And speaking of traffic, there’s often a queue inside too, thanks to its popularity. But let’s face it, when it comes to bathroom royalty, Main Hall takes the crown.

Hopefully this article helped you “flush out” some bathroom options on campus. Navigating the battlefield of campus bathrooms can be an adventure in itself. The gym offers solitude, Round Table is your reliable go-to, and Main Hall stands as the king of comfort. So, choose wisely, for your bathroom quest could make or break your day on SVU’s campus. Remember, even in the darkest restroom hours, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

