SVU Scares: “Top 7 UFO Sightings (#3 Will Shock You!)”

Katie Larsen
The Herald
Published in
5 min readOct 28, 2021

Submission by Will Dryden



This one’s a classic! In 1947, the United States Air Force reported recovering a “flying disc” from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. However, the Air Force almost immediately retracted the statement, then put out a new one saying it was a weather balloon. Suspicious! Even more suspiciously, in the late 70s, Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Marcel, who collected the debris, said in an interview he thought that it was extraterrestrial! The Air Force has since insisted that it was, in fact, a weather balloon, but this still remains one of the most widely discussed and popular sightings to date! What do you think?


This one is the mother of all UFO stories! Private pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen nine shining unidentified objects flying at breakneck speeds past Mount Rainier! This was the first UFO sighting to describe them as flying saucers. Some people say they were mirages, jets, or meteors. What do you think?


One of the first recorded cases of an actual alien abduction happened in a remote area of Brazil in 1962! Antonio Moran, a plantain farmer, was out on his tractor early one morning when he saw a bright light coming down from the sky. He said it came from a huge dark metal ship with large, black wings making it look like a blackbird! Two beings came down from the ship and looked at him, then the next thing he knew he was waking up on his tractor at sundown with an immense and inexplicable feeling of dread! WHAT DO YOU THINK??

4. AMSTERDAM, 1998

In the fall of 1998, a sudden and mysterious plague struck Amsterdam . It wasn’t the usual allergies that make fall the #worst though! It was a mental plague. Rates of depression skyrocketed. Normally happy and outgoing citizens became paranoid, nihilistic shells. Dozens of people reported seeing giant black shapes in the skies. These sightings were frequent, upwards of 70% of citizens reported seeing them at some point or another. None of them ever corroborated each other, however. Two, twenty, two hundred people even could all be standing at the same spot, each one seeing a ship at a different spot in the sky. Frequently, those who saw the ships became overwhelmed with an intense feeling of dread, as if their doctor had just given them an expiration date. Bars became overcrowded as people tried to drink away their sorrows, to forget what they didn’t understand, so it ended up being a huge boom for local businesses! Were they fools for not accepting this darkness as another facet of life, or wise men for understanding that they could not understand? WHAT DO YOU THINK?


In 1958, NASA began Project Mercury, the first human spaceflight program. That’s right, they were trying to get people into space! Crazy, right?! It gets even crazier, because they actually did it!

And that’s why we’ve never gone back.

In 1961, they launched a man named Alan Shepard into the very edge of the atmosphere. He spent an hour up there, alone in his ship, in space, but not quite free of the bounds of earth’s gravity. Official classified reports say that he reported hearing faint whispers of voices he knew, but couldn’t recognize. This lasted until he re-entered the atmosphere.

In 1962, John Glenn became the first man to orbit the Earth, and the last man to go to space. He spent three days up there. Every recording of his reports back to base is almost completely unintelligible. Glenn can be heard only faintly, shouting over a cacophony of human voices, speaking, crying, and calling for help. In one of the more audible sections, Glenn can be heard talking to someone he identifies as his brother. Glenn’s brother had died two years prior to the mission.

Upon his return to earth, Glenn had lost five pounds and shook badly as a result of exhaustion and dehydration. Even after recovery, he couldn’t speak for five months. In his final report, he said that the voices had ceased only once during the three days he was in orbit. It was when his ship had come into contact with what he claimed was a giant blackbird. The CIA immediately demanded that NASA classify all documents pertaining to the mission. They will definitely have me killed for publishing this, but does death mean anything anymore? What do you think?


I was there. Nobody believes me, but I was there. I was six years old, playing basketball outside. Over and over, I threw the ball, but my tiny arms just were never going to have enough strength to get the ball to the basket. I grasped the ball in my tiny hands and focused up on the basket. The first ship appeared in the sky behind the hoop. Ships continued to flicker into view, not so much flying as just… appearing, as if suddenly deciding to exist. They were blackbirds, huge and imposing. The ball fell from my hands and rolled down the driveway.

There was no audible communication from the ships. No huge loudspeaker, no hijacking of all our communication devices. But we all had an understanding, a thought clear as day that pushed out all the other concerns. Something had gone wrong with our development, so this world was to be destroyed. Our timeline needed to be reset. When we all knew what was going to happen, a hum came down to us. Each and every blackbird began to glow a deep purple. They were charging something.

A lot of things happened then. I remember screaming. I remember crying. I remember seeing the trails of missiles headed up towards the ships. But those things were all far away. What I remember most is my dad coming outside and picking me up. He, my mom, and I, stood there together in silence, accepting the inevitable, because what else could you really do?

Then the beam came down, and it was really bright and really loud and really, REALLY hot, and that was that.

And then I was six years old, playing basketball outside. I saw a blackbird fly by in the sky. I went to go get my dad and show him, but by the time he came out, it was gone.


[Had to cut this one out. This guy was off the rails already, but here he just went on and on about some place called “Argentina”, as if it was a real country. Weird, but we’ll get clicks. -ed.]

