The Basketball Wives of SVU

Tyler Murdock
The Herald
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2018

By Tyler Murdock

Tyler Murdock/The Herald

Southern Virginia University’s Men’s Basketball has enjoyed an enthusiastic crowd this season. Fronting this excitement are the wives of six of the players, who have come to be known as the Basketball Wives Club: Carmel Armstrong, Camille Rumbaugh, Emily Winslow, Miklain Hardy, Elizabeth Johnson and Abby Prisbrey.

Clad in custom-made, matching t-shirts, these women have made it their mission to build team unity and cheer for their husbands, the team, and the individual players. Their goal is to invigorate not just their husbands, but everyone who plays on the team — and the fans in the stands, as well.

The women often join the team at restaurants after away games and even host dinners and parties for holidays like New Years, Thanksgiving, and Cinco De Mayo.

The loyal support given by these wives comes in many forms and at substantial sacrifice. For Camille Rumbaugh this means providing financially so that that her husband Aaron can pursue his passion for basketball. Camille, a graduate of Southern Virginia, works two jobs: one on campus at Jonzzey’s Cafe, and another at The Palms in Lexington. She often works long hours to help make ends meet at home.

“Sometimes it’s hard because I have to be the provider,” Rumbaugh said. “I have to work two jobs… but I am just grateful that my jobs are understanding and willing to work with my schedule… and [I can] still attend the home games and sometimes the away games.”

Tony Caputo, head coach of the men’s basketball team, acknowledges the sacrifices that these couples make. “It’s important for the husbands to have their wives to be a part of what they are doing. [The players’ spouses] are sacrificing a lot, I mean their husbands are away a lot… these guys, instead of playing basketball could be working and these wives, most of them are working to support their husbands to play [and] we appreciate it,” Caputo said.

“They are some the best people we have cheering for us,” he continued. “We always know we have them behind us.”

Men’s Basketball took on Frostburg State last Wednesday, taking the lead 73–63 during the second half. The Knights will finish of their season at Salisbury University on Saturday, Feb. 17.

