The Remix

By Katherine Kloepping

Katherine Kloepping
The Herald
1 min readSep 21, 2022


Music is an inspiration for many individuals all around the world. It’s well loved, a source of conversation, and has been passed down from generation to generation. Whether you love the beat, or the lyrics, all music lovers share one common perception; an appreciation for their music taste!

Courtesy of Chloe Cochran

So, what is The Remix? Unlike past series in The Herald, The Remix is a multi-post series with different writers and subjects. Each post relates to one topic; music. When coming up with The Remix, we wanted to make this series special. The beauty of music comes from its relatability. Whatever mood you may be in, or experience you’ve gone through, there’s a song to guide you. Because music can pertain to any given mood, we hope that you’ll find at least one of our posts to be helpful/interesting to you!

This series should inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and (if you’re comfortable) share what music means to you. Click here to read our first article of The Remix. We hope you enjoy!

