Tips and Tricks from Influential Campus Members

By Hannah Doolin

Hannah Doolin
The Herald
5 min readJun 1, 2022


The end of a semester is a stressful time of year, but what’s even worse than that? The end of the semester in addition to the end of the academic year. Here are some tips and tricks for a successful end to the academic year from some influential and vested faculty of people on campus.

Michael Frye, Student Success

1.) Avoid Burnout!

- Take mental breaks between assignments.

- Get outside and enjoy the weather between sessions

2.) Utilize your resources!

- Contact Student Success for one stop shop guidance to each department.

- Communicate with your professors

3.) Plan Accordingly

- Make sure you know the dates of your final exams before taking off to go home.

- make sure all your plans are set for next semester before you leave!


Jared Covington, Business Professor

Be deliberate in how you use your time. You now know exactly what you have to do to complete each of your classes this semester, so determine how much time each will require and set aside the time to get it done. And once you have submitted everything and taken all of your tests, set aside some time specifically to celebrate! Do something you love:binge that show; go on that hike; take a nap in your hammock; or lock yourself in your room and play your favorite video game for a few uninterrupted hours. You’ve put in the work, so take some time to celebrate all that you have accomplished this semester and school year.

Will Edwards, Student Body President

Go enjoy the sunny days!! It’s a shame that many SVU students will never experience the Beautiful summers in rock bridge county. But during this time of year we get a taste of what it is like, so take a break and go outside!!

Jeff Swift, Director of IT

My biggest piece of advice is to not rely on technology. Assume that it will turn against you at some point during finals week, so save everything, back everything up twice, and then back it up again just in case. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit assignments, because that’s the minute Canvas will decide to stop working or your iPad will run out of battery. And, most importantly, take time to have some fun!

Michelle Mahaffey, Director of Wellness Center

The end of the semester can be stressful and chaotic! It’s so important to take care of yourself more than ever during this time. It may seem like cramming for a test until 2 am will give you the edge for finals, but experts agree following healthy habits work better than an all night cram session. Getting a good night’s rest will solidify the information you just studied into your memory. Eating three regular healthy meals and getting 30 minutes of exercise a day will stimulate your brain, allowing the time you put into studying to be more productive.

Dr. Samuel Hirt, Associate Provost and Assistant Professor of Biology

1) Figure out where you are at and where you want to be. This is more than just calculating the grade and seeing how well you need to be on the final. It is also a great time to sit back and think of the growth you have made as a student. What are some of the big lessons that you have learned through your studies this year? How have the academic experiences you have had changed your life and what will you carry with you forever? After reflecting, think about where you are going and if you life that trajectory or not. What changes would you like to make? Which of those changes can you make right now? I find this will really help put into perspective why you are doing what you are doing and can help energize you to not only finish your classes but put in an effort you are proud of

2) Take care of your health and wellness. The stereotypical finals week experience is that everyone is staying up late eating junk food and caffeine to push as much energy as possible into the remaining wee hours of the semester to grind out a good grade. Although, it is definitely a time for hard work, don’t neglect the things that will allow you to perform at your peak. Generally eating well, exercising, and taking some rest and relaxation time are important. You may need to cut out some of your social experiences and cancel Netflix to focus on finishing strong, but it is very possible to do well while taking care of yourself

3) Reach out! You do not have to go through this struggle alone. If you don’t know where to start or if you are in a predicament use the many services at SVU including talking to your professors, forming study groups, going to tutoring hours, seeking help from the resource desk or writing center. All of these people will be eager to help guide you towards a more clear path to success. Even if you haven’t used these resources all semester, they will still be helpful. Don’t try and do it alone if you know that won’t work.

Bill Braddy, Dean of Students

Don’t procrastinate your preparation, I know this is harder than it sounds.

Take care of yourself by getting the proper amount of sleep, eating a good nutritional diet, and getting outside in the fresh air and sunlight. Don’t give up, remember even a small amount of effort and trying is better than giving up and not trying at all. The skills you are learning are truly preparing you for a lifelong journey of education and continual learning and will be a blessing for you. Good luck and Go Knights!

April Harris, Dean of Housing

When you have a lot on your plate — right now it’s finals — it’s best to prioritize the most important tasks first! When you think about the entire load it can feel pretty overwhelming! So, just take on the first thing, then move on to the next! Best of luck…and Go Knights!

