Clubs at HHM — When, where, what, and maybe even why?

Adrien Brake
Published in
5 min readOct 30, 2022

Since school began, I found that there were little to no places to find information on what clubs were going on in Holy Heart. So, I decided to fix that by creating one place where you can find all the HHM clubs. I emailed all the club leaders and asked them to answer the following questions:

  • What do you do in your club?
  • At what times does your club meet up?
  • Does your club have any activities outside of club times?
  • Why should people join your club?

Many of the club leaders then responded, and I took their responses and compiled them into a list. Finally, here are the answers to what clubs are at HHM all in one place.

The Heartbeat/The Newspaper Club

Q1: “As the school’s newspaper, we cover school and local events, or write about whatever may be of interest to students. But the activities themselves take a lot of different forms — members of The Heartbeat don’t just write, we also have people to manage our social media, do art and graphic design, help edit articles, and record for our podcast.”

Q2: “ Usually on Thursdays, for the first half of lunch in room 204.”

Q3: “Our meetings are just where we plan what we’re going to write and coordinate future events — the majority of the actual writing, editing, and other jobs are done outside of club hours.”

Q4: “ It takes a solid team to keep The Heartbeat going! Even if you aren’t interested in writing articles, we’re always looking for people to fill other positions. You’ll be working with a wonderful, creative team and strongly contributing to your school community, (and it looks great on a resume!)”

Geology club

Q1: “We look at anything geology related. We examine rocks, minerals and crystals. We look at prospecting and leant how to pan for gold. We may even have some guest presenters and if we are lucky we may do a field trip or two.”

Q2: “ We meet on Mondays during lunch from 12 to 12:30.”

Q3: “We may meet outside of club time but nothing is planned yet.”

Q4: “If anyone has an interest in geology or the outdoors this would be the club for you.”

Running Club/Cross Country

Q1: “Track meets with NLAA, train students to run.”

Q2: “Tues and Thurs 3:15–4”

Q3: “Yes, track meets. Organized by NLAA, generally on Saturdays.”

Q4: “Running is very accessible, does not require expensive equipment (just sneakers and a smile!), can be done with others or individually, indoor or outdoor and is amazing for BOTH physical and mental health.”

Art Club

Q1: “Meet, discuss, plan, and explore new techniques and mediums”

Q2: “Now we meet 12:00 on Mondays but we may have another meeting time for murals etc...”

Q3: “Yes, activities in St John’s involving art, mural painting and hopefully future workshops with artists.”

Q4: “If you have an interest in visual arts and would like to meet new people with common interests or you would just like to leave a mark on our school by creating art in our building or you would like to be privy to events and incentives in our arts community in st John’s then art club is for you.”

Language Club

Q1: “[The Language club] is a club dedicated to learning new languages in a comfortable environment.”

Q2: “The club meets every Friday at lunch, from 11:30 to 12:30.”

Q3: “As of right now, we are scheduled to meet solely on Friday during lunch.”

Q4: “I believe that people should join the Language Club as it is an opportunity to grow both linguistically but also as a presenter and a conversationalist. Besides that, we have fun activities to complete every week”

Additional Information: “In addition to Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, French and Spanish, we are going to be teaching American sign language.”

Chinese Club

Q1: “The main goal of the club is to introduce students to Chinese culture, movies, music, food and language. We also play games (ex. Kahoot) and try to award prizes during the meetings.”

Q2: “We meet Friday from 11:30–12 in room 410 for October month. For November onwards we will hopefully be meeting Tuesday and Friday from 11:30–12.”

Q3: “We are hoping to do some activities outside of regular club times but that is still in the planning stages.”

Q4: “We try to keep our club fun and exciting. It is a great way for students to meet other students and also learn about a different culture.”

Diversity Dance Club

Q1: “Dances of the world both traditional and modern.”

Q2: “Friday 3–4:00 Room 404”

Q3: “We have danced in-house for assemblies, variety shows and pep rallies. As well as publicly at district events, other schools and Sharing Our Cultures.”

Q4: “Our dances change each year based on who takes the lead as choreographer. Come join as a teacher or learner. Some years we have taught modern and performed at Sharing Our Cultures.”

Additional Information: “We are looking for leads to teach dance if you would like to teach come see Mrs. McBride in room 404.

Afro Beat Dance -need a teacher

Salsa Dance — need a teacher

Traditional Eritrean Dance

Arabic Dabke Dance

Traditional Ukrainian Dance — need a teacher”


Q1: “We do STEM-related activities which vary from week to week. We sometimes do experiments and other times we do online activities.”

Q2: “STEM club is Thursdays at lunch in room 408, 11:30–12:30.”

Q3: “Our club activities occur only during club times.”

Q4: “You should join our club if you plan to pursue any STEM major in post-secondary. We would also recommend joining if you wish to meet new people. And of course, STEM club is great for anyone looking for something fun to do!”

Photography Club

Q1: “We teach peers how to use a DSRL camera, and have guest speakers. We are planning on going on mini-field trips to take photos and to take photos for different events and clubs!”

Q2: “Mondays at 11:30 am”

Q3: “Going to different events, clubs and sporting events to take photos.”

Q4: “A great place to make friends and learn how to take photos! Also, a place where people can share their photos!”

To conclude, those are obviously not all the clubs at HHM but I hope this will give an easier view of what clubs exist! If you know a club that isn’t on this list please ask the club leader to contact me at and I will update this article.

