Reflecting- Grief and Growth

Leila McCrate
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2021

COVID Reflection: Coping with Grief and Growth


The two years waiting to ensure you will be pivotal to the person you become. You are incredibly naive and unassuming, and you are going to learn incredulously. You can’t be placid towards these changes, but embrace them. Life is arbitrary.

Socio-political Scope

You are viciously naive to the privilege you hold. The soon to come disruptive and eruptive events of 2020 will force you to become uncomfortably aware of who you are and your power in this world. You are the humiliated beneficiary of a system you have no idea how to fix which is enraging and exhausting. It is gruelling to understand just how flawed your existence is, and you are still coming to terms with that today. Injustice is a journey of constant education, and solving it is a practice of tireless action, but don;t give up, and fight for what you believe in.

Mental Toll

You are going to experience intense depression, insecurity and grief. Quarantine is isolating, you are hyper independent but intensely lonely and void, and you are coping. You will become insecure and anxious and unable to stand the image of yourself. You should have reached out, and you will regret the fact that you refused and remained silent. But you are not alone. You will grieve the past, the free naive woman you once were, and you will for some time. Sadness and loneliness will change you, but you will want to grow and love again soon.

Time and Loneliness

Time will pass slowly at first, but soon you will find it moves with such grace and speed you don’t even realize the rapid evolution of you. In time you will love, you will feel happy and your loneliness will absolve. Understanding time is fleeting. The loneliness you felt in the isolation of quarantine wasn’t your physical separation of others, it was a depressive disposition of you. Time continues whether lonely or not, and during these years loneliness seems to become a central theme of your life.


Returning is hard! You are overwhelmed, confused and incredibly anxious. Push beyond the borders and boundaries. Muse and mull over your new world. You know who you are and who you want to be. Don’t give up. You will be transported from one life to another, one task to another. It is lengthy and tiring after your quarantine hiatus but you will love it. Step whole heartedly into your return as the person you’ve become.


I speak to you now as me, not you. We are so different. You are going to love the person you’re becoming. We have aspirations, goals, determination, education, and we are growing effervescently. We aren’t absolved of our pains, but we are coping and learning and preparing for destiny. You are confused and tired and lonely. I am the same, but vastly multifaceted in the value and perspective of my life. Take pride in where you’ve come from.

