5 Steps to Set Your Mind Free With the Power of Journalling

Step 5 can help you find your writing voice

Amar Dhillon
The Highest Good


Photo by Tobi Law on Unsplash

It’s been over 14 months since the World Health Organisation declared an international public health emergency over the outbreak of Covid-19.

Our mental health has taken a battering, and it feels like we need to redress the imbalance a little.

Coping with the fallout of the past year hasn’t been easy. It wasn’t for me, and I count myself lucky to have a support network comprising family and friends and… Netflix.

We need as much help as we can get right now.

Of course, there are things you can do today to ease the toll it’s taking on your mind and body: exercise, eat healthy, socialise (restrictions permitting), read a book or two, and like I mentioned there’s always Netflix. But if like me you’ve binged watched the whole of Bridgerton — twice — you might need a new habit to help ease your mind over the next few months or years.

That’s where journalling comes in.

Before we get to the what and the how, here’s a quote from entrepreneur and lifestyle guru Tim Ferris to set the stage.

