Guest Feature: An Interview with the founder of Tiny Love Bug

Ellisha Rosli
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2019

What initially began as a blog that touches on relationship topics in a humorous way, Tiny Love Bug evolved over time to become a resource for new and existing bloggers all over the world. Tiny Love Bug founders and sisters Lucrezia, Marina, and Emma, who are based in Australia have found themselves a new voice to their audience on sharing tips and tricks to launch a blog of your own.

The ultimate useful tool for bloggers that they provide is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Course that stems from co-founder, Lucrezia’s law degree background. The step-by-step course is a great hand to hold for those who get easily confused with legal jargons, the complexities of the newly implemented regulation, and to ensure to remain compliant with its legalities. Aside from being a platform for blogging tools, tips, courses and advice, the website also features many interesting lifestyle and entertainment articles for their readers’ enjoyment.

Ellisha: Could you tell us about Tiny Love Bug? Where are you guys from? What do you do? What services do you provide?

Lucrezia: My name is Lucrezia and I’m originally from Italy but I now live in Melbourne, Australia. I’m the co-founder of together with my sister, Marina and my sister-in-law, Emma. is a lifestyle blog which combines a mix of practical advice and some humorous posts for entertainment purposes. It also has a dedicated section where we provide strategic advice and actionable tips for new bloggers and online entrepreneurs.

In addition, we offer free blogging and Pinterest courses for new bloggers and run a free private Facebook group (Blogging for New Bloggers). Blogging for New Bloggers is a very engaged and supportive community of over 18K bloggers.

Having worked as a lawyer and a University Lecturer for over a decade, I also use the combination of my legal and teaching skills and experience to show bloggers and online entrepreneurs how to blog legally by offering e-courses and professionally crafted legal templates specifically designed for bloggers and solopreneurs.

Ellisha: What an interesting background! Do you mind sharing how your own personal blogging journey begin?

I started blogging as a creative outlet. I wanted to learn something new and do something fun to keep me busy.

Since is a joint effort with my sister and my sister-in-law, the opportunity to work alongside them on a daily basis makes it even more fun for me.

Originally, our blog was started as a platform to muse about life and relationships in a humorous way.

However, over the course of the past months, it has evolved into much more and I’m so excited about the direction is heading to.

Ellisha: Where do you usually find your inspiration?

I strive to produce great content and offer substantial value to my readers. So, when I write a blog post, an email for my newsletter or content for my courses, I try to address my audience’s struggles and offer actionable solutions to their problem.

Having an engaged audience and community makes it easy for me to understand their pain points and try to address them as comprehensively and accurately as possible through my content.

For example, as a lawyer, it came natural to me to have all the legal and accounting aspects of my blog in order.

By speaking with my target audience, I came to realise that it might not always be easy for new bloggers or solopreneurs to tackle the legal requirements of an online business and unfortunately there is no much advice out there specifically geared towards bloggers.

To solve this problem and fill this gap, I now utilise my skills and experience to help fellow bloggers navigate and implement the relevant legislation via free or affordable e-courses and templates as well as detailed blog posts on the GDPR and other legal aspects of blogging.

Ellisha: What are the most common blogging problems that you face?

Besides the disadvantage of being based in Australia when the majority of my audience come from the US and therefore are in a different time zone, one of the most common blogging problems that I face is finding the time to juggle all the different aspects that blogging entails.

With so much to do, being consistent and productive has been a struggle at times for me.

Over time, I found that batching and staying focused on one task at the time really improves your productivity and efficiency.

One thing that surely helps with streamlining processes and achieving a lot more in half the time is automation so I tend to invest in and use several blogging tools that make my life easier.

Ellisha: Final question, do you have any advice or tips for anyone starting out their blog?

As said, blogging entails much more than writing blog posts. It involves so many aspects that it can easily become overwhelming especially if you’re working on the side, have kids, a busy social life or other commitments.

So, I would recommend anyone just starting out to avoid trying to do it all at once or else they can burn out.

I think a winning strategy in the long term is to assess all the options and platforms available and invest only in those that offer a high ROI and/or are in line with the direction you would like your business to take. Once you master those, move on to the next one. Then rinse and repeat.

Another thing I would recommend anyone starting out is to treat their blog as a business from day one.

I do believe in the old saying that to make money you need to spend money, and if you’re serious about blogging, you should definitely invest in your blog.

This means for example that I would stay away from using graphics and images from Google or free stock photo websites. I think investing in high quality professionally created design elements such as those provided by TheHungryJPEG is well worth it. This way, your blog will have a unique and professional look and at the same time, you will have the peace of mind of owning a full commercial licence.

So, in other words, the key is to avoid skimping on the legal side of your blog and invest in the best tools and resources to achieve your financial goals much sooner.

However, don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results straight away.

Unfortunately, nothing happens overnight. Blogging does take quite a long time.

But with a combination of the right strategies, perseverance, and hard work the results will sure come!

Originally published at on January 14, 2019.



Ellisha Rosli

A word crafter with a passion for radical honesty. Writer and content creator for @TheHungryJPEG.