Master the Art of Introducing Yourself: A Guide for Podcast Guests & Public Speakers

The Industry Leaders
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2023
Photo by Jonah Brown on Unsplash

Congratulations on your invitation to speak at a conference or be a guest on a podcast!

The host recognizes your unique qualities and is eager to learn more about your business. It’s a fantastic opportunity to reach a wider audience and spread the word about what you do. But to make the most impact, you need to have a compelling introduction that will grab the listeners’ attention and leave a lasting impression. Here’s what you need to know to deliver a standout opening and make the most of your appearance.

The Art of a Strong First Impression When Public Speaking

When appearing on a podcast or at a speaking engagement, your introduction is crucial in making a lasting impression on the audience. The first few seconds can either hook the listeners and keep them engaged, or leave them quickly tuning out. It’s important to be prepared to effectively introduce yourself and tell your story to make a positive impact.

Research suggests that first impressions are formed in just a fraction of a second, whether in person or on a podcast. To make a lasting impression, it’s important to have a clear understanding of who you are and what you want to convey. By presenting yourself confidently and with purpose, you can create a memorable introduction that will captivate your audience and keep them engaged throughout the podcast episode.

Starting Strong — The Power of a Compelling Introduction

Introducing yourself on a podcast or in any public speaking platform is not as simple as it seems. While everyone may know their own story, not everyone knows how to convey it in an intriguing and engaging manner.

This is where the importance of a strong introduction lies. By following a simple 7-step framework, you can present yourself in a way that captivates your audience and sets the tone for an engaging conversation. This not only makes it easier for podcast hosts to lead the interview, but also leaves a lasting impression on listeners, inspiring them with your story.

Whether you are speaking on a podcast orin a live setting (or even on your About page like I did), this framework can help you craft an introduction that stands out and leaves a lasting impact. So why not give it a try and make your story one that listeners will be eager to hear!

A 7-Step Formula for a Killer Introduction

  1. Identify Your Past Challenge

One of the most common mistakes made by podcast or interview guests is giving too much information about their childhood, which usually isn’t relevant unless it directly ties to their current endeavors. To avoid this, it’s better to start by discussing the point in your life when you made the decision to pursue your current path, such as quitting your job or starting a business.

Highlight a specific challenge you faced and how you overcame it. A simple, straightforward example can be more impactful than a lengthy explanation. Here’s mine:

I’d never run an online business before. So when I finally branched out to create one, I spent thousands of dollars advertising online. None of it brought me sales.

2. How Did You Feel?

It’s important to not only describe the challenge you faced, but also to showcase how it made you feel. This helps create a connection with the audience, making them feel invested in your story.

For example, instead of simply stating the obstacle, you can say something like: “I was determined not to return to my previous corporate job, but the road to success for my business was much harder than I anticipated. I struggled with self-doubt and fear of failure.” By sharing your emotional experience, listeners are likely to relate to and empathize with you.

This is what I often use:

I didn’t want to fail and go back to my old corporate job, but it was so much harder to get my business off the ground than I thought it would be. I lost confidence in my ability to be successful.

3. What Outside Factors Contributed To Your Fear?

In step 2, you shared your personal feelings about the obstacle. Now, it’s time to delve into what specifically fueled those fears. In my case, it was:

It didn’t help that I was constantly seeing success stories on LinkedIn and hearing podcasts about founders who had gone from zero to thousands of sales seemingly instantly.

4. What Caused The Turning Point In Your Journey?

Everyone experiences a pivotal moment in their life that sets them on a new path. For me, that moment was:

Then I got invited to do an interview through an old contact.

5. Then What Happened?

Did you go viral? Did you realize how simple it actually was to monetize your knowledge?

My ‘aha’ moment went something like:

I was blown away by the response I got to posting a link to my interview on my social channels. People responded in a way they hadn’t to my other online posts. They were genuinely interested in my journey and what I was doing now.

6. What Helped You Get To The Next Level?

At this point your audience is hooked.

But you can’t just sit back and rest on your laurels.

You have to tell them how you kept pushing forward and seeking out the resources that would help you achieve your goals. So, who or what played a role in your continued success?

This is what I did:

I learned as much as I could about digital marketing on a budget. At the same time I was expanding my network by interviewing business leaders in my niche.

7. Finally, What Was The End Result?

In this last step, provide a brief, confident overview of your current position and accomplishments, without mentioning any future aspirations or possibilities.

It’s essential to be positive and proud of what you have achieved up until this point and to show that you are thriving on your current path. Instead of discussing uncertain “hopes” or “maybes,” emphasize your current successes and demonstrate that you are making a positive impact in the world.

Here’s how I close out my intro:

I never looked back. I went from struggling to get anyone to take notice of me, to speaking to some of the most influential people in business and helping other entrepreneurs get their businesses noticed by people who matter.

Write down your own personal sequence then practice in the mirror, in front of your friends, and then in front of your co-workers. You should be aiming to have this whole sequence done and dusted in around 30–45 seconds, tops.


The perfect framework for introducing yourself when public speaking or on a podcast.

  1. Identify Your Past Challenge
  2. How Did You Feel Back Then?
  3. What Outside Factors Contributed To Your Fear?
  4. What Caused The Turning Point In Your Journey?
  5. Then What Happened?
  6. What Helped You Get To The Next Level?
  7. Finally, What Was The End Result?

Practice until you can reel off your own compelling personal intro in less than 45 seconds.



The Industry Leaders

Sister publication of The Industry Leaders dot org. Sharing advice and tips to help early stage service business owners grow their business on a budget.