Signing Up To Medium Spiked My Website Traffic

The Industry Leaders
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2023
Insights from Google Analytics

I’ve been building quality backlinks to my website for the past few months, but none have had the same impact as creating a publication on Medium.

It’s been just under 72 hours since I created a publication on Medium. In that time, traffic to my website has gone through the roof.

If this trend continues, it’s making a strong case for publishing at least 50% (maybe more?) of my own content on Medium to drive traffic to my site, bringing a few obvious advantages:

  1. More traffic means more opportunities to sell our services directly via the site
  2. We’re likely to grow our email list organically as people who like what they see on the site, decide they want more of our content emailed to them
  3. Our Domain Authority will increase.

Was This What I Expected?

Over time, sure!

But, in less than 3 days after publishing our first articles on Medium?

Hell no!

The reason I signed up for a publication account in the first place was to increase and improve the quality of our traffic over time. You see, we’ve been publishing content for, and interviews with, entrepreneurs for a couple of years now.

Since starting out as a small, niche blog, we’ve slowly begun to monetize our platform by offering services like content writing and podcast booking — primarily for people like solopreneur coaches or consultants who aim their products at a national or global audience.

Our traffic has been humming along nicely as a result of gradually improving the quality of our content and my learning how SEO works; sharing what I’ve learned via newsletter emails, articles, and even on my personal LinkedIn feed.

But, as ever, the entrepreneurial itch to grow took over, and I wanted to make sure that our website traffic continued to trend up and to the right. Not only that, I wanted that traffic to be high quality — that is to say, I wanted the traffic that lands on our site to be there intentionally — people who are looking for content just like ours.

That way, everybody wins.

So the last few months have seen a big push to:

  • Create keyword-rich content
  • Continue sharing lessons via my LinkedIn feed, and
  • Build a network of quality backlinks that point people to our site.

The results have been pretty good, taking us from a domain score in the 20’s to today’s score of 46 (I’m expecting it to hit 50 in the next few weeks):

Our Domain Authority score at 8 February 2023

Which Brings Me To Medium

I’ve always known about Medium. In the past, I’ve published a few articles that drew a little interest but, more importantly to me at the time, served as a portfolio for me to win copywriting jobs as I transitioned from a career in construction to becoming a full-time copywriter.

However, I’d never really considered Medium to be a place where I could achieve each of my 3 goals. But, when I sat down and thought about it, it makes total sense because Medium has:

  • A top 1% Domain Authority score
  • Access to a huge network of readers
Medium’s Domain Authority score on Moz

So, I reasoned we should at least try publishing some of our content here and linking back to our site. It’ll probably be a long game, I thought, but I’d rather take the extra time to build a quality stream of traffic organically than pay a fortune for people to spike my bounce rate and never come back.

The results so far have far exceeded my expectations:

  • A week’s worth of traffic in one day (comparing this to January stats)
  • At least 10 inquiries about content publishing via our contact form
  • Graphs that look like this on our Google Analytics feed:
Can you guess when we started our publication on Medium?

I’m not sure if this traffic trend will continue or if it’s just a temporary anomaly. However, we’re going to try to ride the wave as much as possible by:

  • Publishing content on our Medium page semi-regularly
  • Continuing to publish keyword-rich educational pieces on our website
  • Engaging new subscribers via a drip campaign and newsletters

I’ll keep you posted…!




The Industry Leaders

Sister publication of The Industry Leaders dot org. Sharing advice and tips to help early stage service business owners grow their business on a budget.